Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation and Extremes in Nepal
Extreme precipitation events, hourly precipitation, IMERG, monsoon, spatio-temporal distributionAbstract
This study examines the spatio-temporal distribution of hourly precipitation across Nepal using Integrated Multi-Satellite Retrievals for Global Precipitation Measurement (IMERG) data from 2015 to 2021. The findings indicate that hourly precipitation intensity during the monsoon season can reach up to 0.7 mm/hr, while pre-monsoon intensities peak at 0.2 mm/hr. These intensities are predominantly concentrated in mid- and low-elevation areas of central and eastern Nepal. Post-monsoon and winter seasons exhibit high-intensity precipitation patches over high-elevation regions in the western, central, and eastern peripheries of the country. The annual distribution of hourly precipitation shows a pronounced peak during the monsoon season, indicating that a significant portion of the total annual precipitation occurs during this period. Extreme precipitation events follow a similar seasonal distribution, with monsoon extremes exceeding 15 mm/hr. The diurnal cycle of monsoonal precipitation shows unique characteristics, peaking at 0.65 mm/hr around midnight and decreasing to 0.2 mm/hr by late morning, then increasing steadily in the afternoon and evening. Additionally, the study contrasts hourly heavy precipitation extremes (≥10 mm/hr or day) with daily extremes, noting that hourly extremes, despite being accumulated into daily measures, present a higher frequency, and pose greater short-term hazard risks. This analysis over a seven-year period suggests the need for continued research to determine spatial and temporal trends in hourly versus daily extreme precipitation patterns, particularly in the context of climate change and its impacts on regional hydrology and meteorology.
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