About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Journal of Institute of Science and Technology (JIST) is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary science journal published by the Institute of Science and Technology (IOST), Tribhuvan University (TU), Kathmandu, Nepal. The JIST aims to publish articles on diverse areas of Science and Technology, including botany, chemistry, computer, environment, geology, hydrology/meteorology, mathematics, microbiology, physics, statistics, zoology, and allied fields. It is dedicated to providing the most updated, original, well-designed, scientifically discussed, and well-interpreted research information in science and technology.

JIST is an open-access journal indexed in NepJOL and ranked TWO STARS by INASP Journal Publishing Practices and Standards (JPPS). JIST has moved to the online submission and tracking system promoting the continuous publication of the articles.

The author(s) should declare that the submitted work has not been published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.

The JIST publishes the following sections:

  1. Research Articles
  2. Review Articles
  3. Short Communications
  4. Letter to the Editor
  5. Notes

Peer Review Process

Following the submission of the manuscript to the journal, the editorial board will check whether the submitted manuscript is appropriate for the journal. The manuscript will go through a plagiarism check before starting the review process. If deemed suitable for the journal, the Chief Editor will assign manuscripts to the Section Editors for further processing. The manuscript will be sent to the reviewers corresponding to their expertise.

Generally, the article is sent to a minimum of two reviewers; and the third reviewer will also be assigned in the situation where it is deemed necessary. The reviewers are given two weeks to review the article.

Double-blind peer review is applied for the manuscript submitted to JIST. It is made sure that the entire manuscript forwarded to the reviewers does not contain any information that identifies the authors and their affiliations. The review process generally takes between 2 to 3 months. However, the time taken to assign the Section Editor and the initial quality of the manuscript decides the processing time. Besides, the time taken by the reviewers and the author's response determines the total processing time from the submission to the acceptance.

Once the author submits the corrected paper addressing the reviewer's comments, the Section Editor would deal with it to see if the authors incorporated all the comments and suggestions. If deemed necessary, it will be sent to the corresponding reviewers again to decide whether the manuscript has the potential for acceptance. Authors should incorporate all questions or should defend (clarify) reviewers' comments. However, the final decision to accept the paper for publication is taken by the Chief Editor.

Publication Frequency

The journal is published twice a year. The first issue is from January-June and the second issue is from July-December. The accepted articles will be made online immediately after acceptance.

Open Access Policy

JIST is an open-access journal. All the contents published in this journal are freely available without charge to the users or their institutions. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles or use them for any other lawful purposes. These uses do not need prior permission from the publisher or the authors. This policy complies with the DOAJ definition of open access.


Before submitting the manuscript, please check each citation in the text against the References and vice-versa to match exactly. Citations in the text should be formatted as follows (APA, 6th edition referring style):
Single author: The author's last name and the year of publication, e.g., (Sharma, 2008) or Sharma (2008).
Two authors: Both author's last names and the year of publication, e.g., (Gotelli & Ellison, 2004).
Three or more authors: First author's last name followed by 'et al.', e.g., (Ghale et al., 2019) or Ghale et al. (2019).
Groups of references: Many references, when cited in the parenthesis, should first be cited chronologically and then alphabetically, e.g., (Dickinson & Lukas, 1979; Singer, 1996; Adhikari & Bhattarai, 2014).


The list of references should include only those works that are cited in the text. Personal communications should only be mentioned in the text, not in the references.

The reference list should be arranged alphabetically by the last names of the first author. If the last name of the first author is the same in two or more references, the last name of the second author and so on should be considered while preparing the list. Different kinds of publications should be listed in different styles, as mentioned below.

Journal articles
Surname, Given Name Initial. Second Name Initial (if any). Published Year in the bracket. Paper Title (sentence case). Full Journal Name (italics), Volume No. (Issue No.), (blank space) xx-xx (page ranges without spacing).

Sharma, C.M. (2008). Freshwater, fishes, fisheries, and habitat prospects of Nepal. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 11(3), 289-297.

Ghimire, M.P., & Richter, M. (2017). Chemical gating of a weak topological insulator: Bi14Rh3I9. Nano Letters, 17(10), 6303-6308.

Chhatkuli, D.N., Paudel, S., & Aryal, B. (2020). Study of star formation rate and metallicity of an interacting dwarf galaxy NGC 2604. Journal of Institute of Science and Technology, 25(2), 55-60.

Ghale, D.B., Bohara, N.B., Duwal, N., & Bhattarai, J. (2019). Investigation on the mineralogical phase of ancient brick samples of Kathmandu valley (Nepal) using XRD and FTIR analysis. Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, 12(2), 402-408.

Neupane, B., Dang, N.C., Acharya, K., Reppert, M., Zazubovich, V., et al. (2010) Insight into the electronic structure of the CP47 antenna protein complex of photosystem II: Hole burning and fluorescence study. Journal of American Chemical Society, 132(12), 4214-4229.

Gotelli, N.J., & Ellison, A.M. (2004). A primer of ecological statistics. Sunderland, Massachusetts, USA: Sinauer Associates, Inc.

Edited Book
Sutherland, W.J. (Ed). (2006). Ecological census techniques: A handbook (2nd ed.). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

Book Chapters
Richter, M. (2001). Density Functional Theory applied to 4f and 5f Elements and Metallic Compounds. In K.H.J. Buschow (Ed.), Handbook of magnetic materials (pp. 87-s228), Vol. 13, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Sharma, C.M., Borgstrøm, R., & Rosseland, B.O. (2011). Biomanipulation in Lake Årungen, Norway: A tool of biological control. In Ansari, A.A., Singh Gill, S., Lanza, G.R., Rast, W. (Eds.) Eutrophication: causes, consequences and control (pp. 292-323), Springer.

Bhattarai, J. (2019). Investigation on physico-chemical and sintering properties of ceramic tiles and bricks available in local market of Kathmandu Valley. The University Grants Commission-Nepal, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur, Nepal. p. 121.

Conference paper
Swar, D.B. (2008). History of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) introduction in Nepal. In T.B. Gurung (Ed.), Proceedings of the first national workshop on scaling up rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farming strategies in Nepal (pp. 21-24), Kathmandu, Nepal.

Pyakurel, U. (2016). Evacuation planning problem with contraflow approach. PhD Thesis, Central Department of Mathematics, Institute of Science and Technology, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.

Bhattarai, J. (1998). Tailoring of corrosion-resistant tungsten alloys by sputtering. PhD Thesis, Department of Materials Science, Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku University, Japan.

The manuscript should be sent to the following address (most preferably by e-mail):

Office of the Chief Editor/Editor
Journal of Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal
E-mails: journal@iost.tu.edu.np; jist@tuiost.edu.np

The decisions of the Chief Editor are final for publishing the articles that have been submitted. The opinions expressed in the articles are the author’s own and do not reflect the publisher's view or the Editorial Board. In addition, it is expected to suggest the names and full addresses (with email) of three potential referees relating to the subject area of the manuscript.

Once the print version is available, a copy of the journal will be provided free of cost only to the reviewers and corresponding authors. The charge is NRs 300 per printed volume of the journal plus the postal charge depending upon the location of the addressee.

Publication Charges

The Journal of Institute of Science and Technology does not charge a fee for submission, processing, and publication.

Plagiarism Check

The submitted manuscript undergoes screening for plagiarism check using iThenticate provided by Turnitin. The acceptable Similarity Index is set based on the instruction of the University Grants Commission of Nepal. For now, the JIST is accepting a similarity index below 20%, excluding the bibliography. However, subjective judgment will also be considered while dealing with the technical part of the manuscript.

Copyright Notice and Licensing Policy

The copyright of the articles is held by the Institute of Science and Technology, Tribhuvan University (IoST-TU). The views and interpretations in this journal are those of the author(s). They are not attributable to the IoST-TU and do not imply the expression of any opinion concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city, area of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The corresponding author is responsible for any conflict of interest between authors and others.

The articles in the Journal of Institute of Science and Technology are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License (CC: BY-NC), which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, remix, transfer, and build upon the materials for any purpose, even commercially, provided the original work is properly cited.

Allegations of Misconduct

The policies for identifying/dealing with allegations of misconduct, such as plagiarism, falsification/fabrication of data, will be dealt with by following the international standards such as COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). The manuscripts submitted will undergo a plagiarism check using iThenticate before sending them for peer review.

The complaint can be submitted to the Editorial Office of the journal. The Editorial Team meeting will deal with the complaints and make decisions based on international standards.

Authorship Change

If you require to change the authorship, including the order of the authors, during or after the review, you need to send the consent letter to the Editorial Office. The consent letter is available upon request. The change in authorship after the acceptance of the article is not entertained unless there is a valid reason or some technical mistakes. The Chief Editor will make the final decision in such cases.

Sources of Support

The charges for the print and review process are supported by the Dean's Office of

Publication Charge

The Journal of Institute of Science and Technology (JIST) does not charge a fee to the authors for processing and submission of the article.

Journal History 

It was first published as the Journal of Institute of Science (JIS) in 1978 and continued with the same name until the first five volumes. JIS has been changed into JIST in 1984 from the 7th volume.

(Last updated 09 September 2021)