Editorial Team
Prof. Dr. Shankar Prasad Khanal
Institute of Science and Technology
Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur
Email: dean@iost.tu.edu.np
Editorial Board
Chief Editor
Chhatra Mani Sharma, PhD
Central Department of Environmental Science
Institute of Science and Technology
Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal
Emails: journal@iost.tu.edu.np; chhatra.sharma@iost.tu.edu.np
Madhav Prasad Ghimire, PhD
Associate Professor
Central Department of Physics
Institute of Science and Technology
Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal
Email: madhav.ghimire@iost.tu.edu.np
Kishor Pandey, PhD
Associate Professor
Central Department of Zoology
Institute of Science and Technology
Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal
Email: kishor.pandey@iost.tu.edu.np
Binod Pokharel, PhD
Associate Professor
Central Department of Hydrology and Meteorology
Institute of Science and Technology
Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal
Email: binod.pokharel@iost.tu.edu.np
Bhanu Bhakta Neupane, PhD
Assistant Professor
Central Department of Chemistry
Institute of Science and Technology
Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal
Email: bhanu.neupane@iost.tu.edu.np
Jeevan Kafle, PhD
Assistant Professor
Central Department of Mathematics
Institute of Science and Technology
Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal
Email: jeevan.kafle@cdmath.tu.edu.np
Official Secretary
Mr. Upendra Subedi
Institute of Science and Technology
Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal
Email: upendra.subedi@iost.tu.edu.np
Phone: 977-1-4331755
International Advisory Board (Alphabetical)
Gong Haiyan, PhD
Associate Professor
Shanghai Veterinary Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,
Shanghai, China
Email: gonghaiyan@shvri.ac.cn
Ilija Zeljkovic, PhD
Department of Physics, Boston College
Higgins Hall 230H
140 Commonwealth Ave, Chestnut Hill, MA 0246, USA
Email: ilija.zeljkovic@bc.edu
Manuel Richter, PD Dr.
Numerical Solid State Physics and Simulation
Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW Dresden)
01069 Dresden, Germany
Email: m.richter@ifw-dresden.de
Shichang Kang, PhD
Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Research Fields: Atmospheric Environment, ice core records, glacier & climate change.
Address: 320 Donggang West Road, Lanzhou, Gansu, China
Zip code: 730000
Email: Shichang.kang@lzb.ac.cn
Sitharaman Uma, PhD
Department of Chemistry
University of Delhi, India
Email: suma@chemistry.du.ac.in