About the Journal

Aims and Scope

Management Dynamics is the scholarly forum for both established and early-career researchers in social science research. The journal incorporates original articles or real cases from national and international contributors related to management, accounting, finance, economics, statistics, sociology, organizational psychology, business communication, entrepreneurship, business laws, and behavioral science related to social science, adding values to the current knowledge base, management practices, and business. Articles can be on any level, i.e., exploratory, empirical as well as review/conceptual with solid theoretical backup

Publication Frequency

The journal is published biannually.

Copyright Notice

After the editorial board has decided to publish the paper, authors are required to transfer their copyright to the Research Management Cell, Shanker Dev Campus.

Peer-Review Process

  1. If the manuscript satisfies all the requirements, it will be examined by the editorial desk to ensure manuscript matching, Crossref similarity check, and the minimum acceptable paper quality, and the corresponding author will receive the necessary feedback from the review process, suggestions of further development, or the editorial desk's final rejection decision within 15 working days from submission
  2. Each initially accepted manuscript has a unique ID created for the review process and editorial desk requests with reviewers from the manuscript's discipline.
  3. Without mentioning the author(s), the reviewer is given the standard format of a review.
  4. Each reviewer reviews the paper and provides suggestions (Acceptance without correction, Acceptance with majors, Acceptance with minor corrections or rejection) in the review form and sends it to the editorial board. As the reviewing is a voluntary task, thus, the reviewer may take time (no more than 21 working days).
  5. Editorial board collects the review reports from at least two reviewers and sends them to the corresponding author. The editorial board decides on the primary response (in case of contradicting response of the reviewer).
  6. Corresponding author should resubmit the corrected manuscript as per the reviewers’ suggestion in the R2R format within the given time frame, using the same submission thread.
  7. Editorial board resends the corrected manuscript to the same reviewers for ensuring necessary improvements. This process takes time as the initial process. Based on reviewers’ responses editorial board makes the final decision regarding publication.
  8. The editorial board communicates the acceptance or rejection (sometimes further improvement) decision to the corresponding author for the publication agreement.
  9. The manuscripts/paper following all these processes for publication will proceed for the digital object identifier (DOI) number.
  10. The final paper after designing with DOI will be provided to the author. But, the publication will follow the nearest publication schedule from paper acceptance.

Article Access

The published article with a DOI will be available online with free download access to everyone. The publisher will provide two hard copies of the journal for the author. For the multi-authored paper, each author gets one hard copy of the journal. For non-author readers, a copy of each volume will be available in the library at Shanker Dev Campus. 

Cost of print issues

Institutional buyers: NRs. 1000
Individual buyers: NRs. 500
Abroad buyers: $15 (Additional delivery charges)

Sources of Support

Shaker Dev Campus provides all the funds for the publication of the journal.


Management Dynamics is published by the Faculty of Management, Shanker Dev Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.