Evaluation of fermentation potential of wild and UV-mutated yeasts screened from traditional murcha


  • Jeny Subba Dharan Multiple Campus, Dharan, Nepal
  • Basanta Kumar Rai Central Campus of Technology, Tribhuvan University, Hattisar, Dharan, Nepal
  • Dil Kumar Limbu Central Campus of Technology, Tribhuvan University, Hattisar, Dharan, Nepal
  • Sangen Ruma Rai Dharan Multiple Campus, Dharan, Nepal




Feral yeast, murcha, respoiratory deficient mutants


Murcha (an amylolytic starter) from different parts of Eastern Nepal were screened for fermentative yeasts. The most potential one was UV-mutated (8W lamp at λ = 254 nm and an intensity of 44.21 Wm-2 for 5-50 s) to study the effect of mutation on growth and fermentation properties. Respiratory-deficient mutants (RDMs) that resulted from the mutation were identified by triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TTC) overlay technique and replica-plated for further isolation. Cell growth, substrate utilization, and ethanol yield of the mutants were compared with normal cells by carrying out fermentation in high-test cane molasses broth of 30 °Bx. An exhaustive screening of the samples resulted in only two murcha viz., from Laxmimarga (LM) and Udayapur (UD), having the desirable fermentation properties. UV-mutation study of UD and LM yeasts (both identified as strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae) showed 8-12% survival and ~ 22% RDMs yield of the survived cells. Out of the 8 randomly selected RDMs, only UDm4 (colony No. 4 from UD) showed fermentation properties worth further investigation. Comparison of UD, LM and UDm4 by fermenting molasses (high test) broth of 30°Bx showed the least growth of UDm4 but the highest alcohol yield (9% and 16% more compared to UD and LM, respectively). The present finding indicates that it is possible to improve fermentation properties of feral yeasts from murcha by relatively simple UV-mutation approach. Finding the right mutant (the selective screening part), however, may involve considerable time and effort.


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Author Biography

Basanta Kumar Rai, Central Campus of Technology, Tribhuvan University, Hattisar, Dharan, Nepal

Department of Food Technology




How to Cite

Subba, J., Rai, B. K., Limbu, D. K., & Rai, S. R. (2018). Evaluation of fermentation potential of wild and UV-mutated yeasts screened from traditional murcha. Himalayan Journal of Science and Technology, 2, 84–89. https://doi.org/10.3126/hijost.v2i0.25848



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