
  • Vol. 20 No. 1 (2023)

    Cover/Photo Credit
    Sony Baral, PhD

  • Cover Forestry

    Vol. 19 No. 01 (2022)

    Cover/Photo Credit
    Sony Baral, PhD
    Kankali Forest, Chitwan, Nepal

  • Cover forestry

    Vol. 18 No. 01 (2021)

    Cover/Photo Credit
    Prof. Dr. Santosh Rayamajhi
    Barasinghe at Bardia National Park, Nepal
    Courtesy IOF/UCL Biome Health Project.

  • Cover Forestry Vol.17

    Vol. 17 (2020)

    Cover Photo Credit:
    Prof. Dr. Krishna Raj Tiwari
    Temperate forest (degraded) in the background of Jumla valley, 2020

  • Cover Forestry

    Vol. 16 (2019)

    Photo credit:
    Prof. Santosh Rayamajhi
    Photo of Bardia National Park Bufferzone Forest 2019.

  • Vol. 15 (2018)

    Cover Photo:
    Photo: Prof. Dr. Santosh Rayamajhi
    Location: IOF’s- Long-Term Research Sites in Different Agroecological Zones, Nepal