A Researcher's Methodological Approach in a Dissertation of Master of Philosophy in Mathematics Education in Nepal


  • Yubaraj Bhattarai Lecturer of Mathematics /Science in Nepal




Data Collection, Ethical consideration, Interpretative paradigm, Narrative inquiry, Philosophical consideration


This paper explores on methodology approach applied for explaining assessment of mathematics to excavate assessment practices of students and teachers at secondary level in the context of Nepal. The paper uncovers the methodology section of a dissertation entitled "Assessment in Secondary Level Mathematics: A Narrative Inquiry" submitted to Nepal Open University to acquire a degree of masters of Philosophy in Mathematics Education. I portray the related phenomena to my research questions from ontological, epistemological, axiological, and rhetorical considerations. Then I describe methodological considerations related to research paradigm, research design, and sampling of data. Furthermore, I explore the data collection and analysis of my study, dividing it into different subheadings. I have thrown light on quality standards and ethical consideration followed in the research. The paper further excavates the data analysis, data interpretation of the methodology section of the dissertation. Finally, the paper concludes with discussion and conclusions about the applied methodology to conduct the study on mathematics assessment at secondary level in Nepal.



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Author Biography

Yubaraj Bhattarai, Lecturer of Mathematics /Science in Nepal

Yubaraj Bhattarai is a Lecturer of Mathematics/Science in Nepal. He has completed M. Sc. in Mathematics from Tribhuvan University in 2013 and M. Phil. in Mathematics Education from Nepal Open University in 2021. He is involved in teaching Pure Mathematics/Mathematics Education and Science from Secondary Level to University Level for more than fifteen years. He is interested in teaching as well as research in Mathematics Education, Pure Mathematics, and Qualitative Research.




How to Cite

Bhattarai, Y. (2022). A Researcher’s Methodological Approach in a Dissertation of Master of Philosophy in Mathematics Education in Nepal. Academic Journal of Mathematics Education, 5(1), 61–74. https://doi.org/10.3126/ajme.v5i1.54575


