Working Hour and its Impact on Backache from Gender Perspective


  • Amita Pradhan
  • Neera Shrestha



working hour, backache, women empowerment, health problem, health seeking behaviour


This paper aims to analyze the association between work burden and backache among women and men. The study design is descriptive cross sectional. Thirty two households are selected. From each of the households sample size of 64 in terms of a pair of either married couple or the unmarried sister and brother are selected. Respondent's age is between 15 to 49 years. Semi structured questionnaire is used to collect data. This study shows significant differences in working hour between male and female. The working hour is significantly higher among the persons with backache. Gender inequality is a stark reality. The gender division of labour may add more work to women resulting into longer working hour for women. This may reflect in some health hazards among women. Hence, more focused attention is needed to understand the non reproductive health problems of women.

Keywords: working hour; backache; women empowerment; health problem; health seeking behaviour

DOI: 10.3126/dsaj.v4i0.4523

Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Vol.4 2010 pp.235-246


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Author Biographies

Amita Pradhan

Pradhan, Amita has been teaching at Department of Community Medicine, KIST Medical College for last three years as Associate Professor. Prior to that, she had worked in Kathmandu Medical College for about six and half years. She holds M.Sc. in Statistics (1997) and PG. Diploma in Women's Studies (from Tribhuvan University. She is currently registered for Ph. D. in Statistics in Tribhuvan University. She has published academic articles in different scientific journals. Her areas of interest are Gender and Health, Demography, Women and Work etc.

Neera Shrestha

Shrestha, Neera has has been teaching in Faculty of Management, Post Graduate Diploma in Women’s Studies and Masters in Gender Studies at Padma Kanya Campus, Tribhuvan University for last seventeen years. She holds MBA degree from Tribhuvan University and Multidisciplinary in Women’s Studies from Institute of Women’s Studies, Lahore, Pakistan. She has published academic articles in different national and international journals. Her areas of interest are Gender, Management, Development issues and Women’s work etc.


How to Cite

Pradhan, A., & Shrestha, N. (2011). Working Hour and its Impact on Backache from Gender Perspective. Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, 4, 235–246.


