Established in 2007 and hosted by Ubiquity.
Managed by Tribhuvan University Central Library.
Nepal Journals Online (NepJOL) is a service to provide online publication of Nepalese journals. For more information about NepJOL and how to join the service, see the About page.
About the Journal
Aims and Scope of the Journal
DJSA is an interdisciplinary biannual journal that publishes original articles, review articles, book reviews, methodologies, short communications, and interviews of inspiring scholars from Nepali and abroad. The journal invites manuscripts from a range of scholars and researchers from Social Sciences - including but not limited to Sociology, Anthropology, Human Geography, Development Studies, Natural Resource Management, Gender Studies, and allied disciplines.
Requirements for a Manuscript to be submitted
1. Articles should be original and written in the American English language.
2. Primary focuses are given to areas such as Caste and Ethnicity, Natural Resource Management, Gender and Feminism, Class, Polity, Public Policies, Rituals, Religion, Minority Issues, Public Health and Ethno-medicine, Indigenous/Local Knowledge, Social Structure, State, Migration, Health Related Issues, Development, Population, Rural/Urban Development, Governance, Vulnerabilities, Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methodology, Innovative Research Methodologies, Language Issues, Applied and Socio-linguistic Studies, Ecology, Landscape, Environment, Conflict Management and Peace Building, Landscape, Social dimensions of Climate Change, Risk and Hazard, Disaster, Environmentalism, Impacts of Natural Processes and Human Responses to adaptation.
Types of Manuscripts Invited
- Original Research Articles (up to 8000 words - excluding reference list, tables, and figures)
- Review Articles (up to 6000 words - excluding reference list, tables, and figures)
- Books Reviews (up to 1500 words - excluding reference list, tables, figures)
- Research Methodology (up to 4000 words - excluding reference list, tables, and figures)
- Short Communications (up to 2500 words - excluding reference list, tables, and figures)
- Interviews
Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology is indexed on DOAJ (18th January 2017)
Website addresses
The journal is available on its own website
DOAJ ( and also on the NepJOL site
Peer Review Policy
1. As a policy, DJSA follows the Double Blind Review Process. All the articles received will first go through a desk review. The Editor-in-Chief initially screens all manuscripts and checks for plagiarism through software ( and at the very beginning and before online publication. Those papers that passed the desk review will be submitted to at least two reviewers. The following process is followed:
2. International Submission: In the case of international manuscript submissions, DJSA asks authors to nominate at least four reviewers or referees while submitting an article. The editorial board will decide on the possible reviewers nominated by the authors for review. All reviews will be done online. The reviewers should declare no conflict of interest and agree on the timeline for review. The Dhaulagiri review form guides the reviewers for the objective evaluation of the paper(s).
3. Peer Review: DJSA assigns at least two anonymous peer reviewers to review the submissions critically. The review process may take around three months and informs the author (s) of the paper's status. DJSA publishes the reviewer's details in every issue. The editor follows the progress and sends reminder(s) to the reviewers. The assigned editor checks feedback and accepts the reviewers' decisions if applicable.
4. Letter of acknowledgment: Reviewers are provided a letter of acknowledgment for their invaluable contribution to the journal's quality maintenance.
5. Submission of revised manuscript: Upon assessing the reviewer's feedback and the decision, the editor will contact the corresponding author(s) with the decision to ask to submit the revised manuscript, providing a deadline.
6. Authors are supported with a template developed by the DJSA to respond to the reviewer's feedback. When the revised manuscript is received, the editor will request the reviewers to check if the article is satisfactorily revised, addressing the feedback provided. The author is requested to submit the manuscript in a track change mode and another a clean version. After the review process is completed and the reviewers approve the article, it will be shared among the editorial board members for information and feedback.
7. We request the author to submit the title page separately and that should include the title of the paper, the author(s) name, affiliations, address of each author, Declarations (Acknowledgments, Funding, Ethical approval of the research, Consent of publication, Ethical conduct of research, Conflict of interest). The abstract and main text should not include any identifying information of the authors.
Open Access Policy
Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology (DJSA) is a Gold Open Access that makes research freely available to the public and supports a greater global knowledge exchange.
Use of AI Policy
DJSA does not accept manuscript content created using AI.
Plagiarism Policy
By submitting a manuscript to DJSA, the author(s) agree to check any necessary originality and good practices. We forewarn the author(s) of misbehavior and rejection in the event of a duplicate submission, falsified data, participant confidentiality breach, inappropriate awarding or denial of authorship for those who have substantially contributed, and plagiarized texts. Patch writing is also considered as plagiarism. The similarity report will be sent to the author(s). By analyzing if similarities are serious, the paper will be immediately rejected and labeled as a plagiarized article.
Archiving Policy
The journal contents are archived in NepJol (
Copyright and Permissions
Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Copyright on any research article published in DJSA retained by the author(s). The author(s) grant a license to publish the article and identify itself as the original publisher. The author (s) need to submit a signature agreeing to publish the article in DJSA. The copyright is indicated on the first page of the article published. A brief introduction of the author (s) containing information on the author's full name, academic position, qualification, ORCID, and corresponding email is published at the end of the article. Author(s) need to declare any conflict of interest between authors and others while submitting a manuscript and publishing it in the Declarations section.
Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA). This license permits use, dissemination, and reproduction across all media as long as the source material is correctly credited. This license is not used for commercial purposes. The author (s) will be given a copy of the printed journal. The views expressed in the articles are solely of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the Editorial Board.
Legal Compliance
It is assumed that manuscripts submitted to the DJSA have not been submitted before, partly or wholly elsewhere in any print or electronic media. Manuscripts are the original writing of authors. There should not be any plagiarized texts, such as published or unpublished sources, in the manuscripts. Ethically, others’ copyrights should be respected. Illegal, unauthorized, and unethical content should be avoided in the paper. All ideas contained in the paper fall under the sole responsibilities of the author (s). The DJSA will not be responsible for any compensation claims.
The manuscript submitted and any information we learn about it during the review process will be kept confidential.
Conflict of Interests
Conflicts of interest regarding financial, affiliations, personal, ideological, etc., must be declared in the declaration form while submitting an article.
Article Processing Fees
DJSA does not charge article processing fees, nor does it charge for publications. This journal is published in the spirit of voluntary initiation for quality journal publication. We do not pay the authors, editors, and reviewers. The researchers or any philanthropic individuals can offer monetary or material support to the journal management voluntarily, and if accepted by the journal management team, the grants will be accumulated at the Dhawalagiri Multiple Campus Baglung, which provides financial assistance to cover the cost of journal management.
Publication Frequency
The journal has adopted a policy of publishing articles online first, and the issue is published bi-annually (June and December). Author(s) are encouraged to submit manuscripts online following the author guidelines of DJSA. Author (s) can submit their articles at any time.
An authorship gives a researcher accountability and recognition for their contributions to a study. A significant scientific contribution is required to meet authorship criteria. The contribution of author(s) should have made substantial contributions in the aspect of the conceptualization of research, research design, data collection, data analysis/interpretation, and writing. Those who have contributed in these aspects but do not meet the criteria for authorship should be acknowledged in the "Acknowledgements" section of the Declaration. The corresponding author should ensure the order of co-author(s) in the article published. However, the editor will send the final manuscript to all listed author(s) requesting to read, approve, and give their consent to publish the article online. Every author is committed to taking full accountability for their contributions and resolving any conflicts about the honesty or integrity of any portion of their work.
Indexing Information
Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology is indexed in NEPJOL, DOAJ (18th January 2017) and Google Scholar and is a star-rated since 2017.
The views expressed in the articles are solely of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors.
DJSA analyzes every allegation regarding prospective misconduct seriously and the author(s) are warned of its consequences.
Author's Response to Reviewer
DJSA supports the author('s) style of responding to reviewer feedback.
Communicate with Respect
DJSA believes trust is possible only through cooperation and high-quality publishing products and services. It serves via collaborations established on mutual respect. When communicating with authors, reviewers, and readers, our staff must behave kindly and professionally. In the same way, we anticipate the public and academic community will behave to the same standards. Aggressive conduct, along with any forms of bullying, harassment, or discrimination towards journal personnel, is not accepted. We may refuse to communicate or perform business with anybody who regularly or openly disregards this policy.
Price for Print Copies
Print copies are available for NRs. 500/-