AIDS Awareness and Educating Adolescents about Contraception Techniques: A Sociological Study of Parents and Teachers


  • Amanpreet Singh



Adolescents and AIDS, contraception knowledge to adolescents, teachers and AIDS, parents and AIDS


This paper is based on partially exploratory and partially descriptive research design to find out AIDS awareness and agreement of parents and teachers on educating adolescents about contraception techniques. For this study 60 parents and 60 teachers were interviewed from 10 different Govt. Senior Secondary schools in district Sangrur, Punjab, India. The random sampling technique was used. The knowledge of AIDS among parents was found partial. Mothers showed lesser knowledge of AIDS in comparison to fathers. Teachers showed comprehensive knowledge of AIDS. Majority of respondents disagree on educating adolescents about contraception techniques. But all responded reported to be in agreement to provide full knowledge about AIDS to adolescents. The education of contraception for adolescent found to be associated with the knowledge of prevention from unwanted pregnancy. Parents and teachers showed propensity to provide such education to adolescents which advocates sexual abstinence until marriage. The plausible reason to such perception could be that in most of Indian societies there is taboo on sex or sex related discussion.

Keywords: Adolescents and AIDS; contraception knowledge to adolescents; teachers and AIDS; parents and AIDS

DOI: 10.3126/dsaj.v4i0.4520

Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Vol.4 2010 pp.193-210


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Author Biography

Amanpreet Singh

Singh, Amanpreet is working as a research scholar in Department of Sociology, Panjab University Chandigarh for the last three years. He did his Masters' in Sociology from Panjab University in 2006 and is presently pursuing PhD degree. He has keen interest in research. His areas of interest include social problems, family, gender, adolescent sociology, applied sociology in administration and rural sociology. He published two research papers independently in international journals i.e. International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology (Vol. 2(8), October 2010, pp. 162-170) and Research Analysis and Evaluation (Vol, I, Issue-9; June 2010. pp: 15-18) based on his field research regarding consequences of drug abuse on abuser and family members. He recently completed a sponsored research project for Mahatma Gandhi State Institute of Public Administration (Government of Punjab) on the functioning of State Information Commission, Punjab (India). He presented his two papers in National Conference (U.G.C. Sponsored) on Rural India in a Global Village: Issues and Perspectives and in 3rd Chandigarh Social Science Congress held at Chandigarh.


How to Cite

Singh, A. (2011). AIDS Awareness and Educating Adolescents about Contraception Techniques: A Sociological Study of Parents and Teachers. Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, 4, 193–210.


