Global and Local Discourses on Climate Change: A Perspective from the Concept of Embeddedness


  • Jailab Kumar Rai



climate change, discourses, embeddeness, dynamics, global, local


Climate change has been becoming a major order of business of all including researchers and academics. This is known that global, national and local organizations, institutions and even the individuals are partaking into the issues with their own perspectives and skills of negotiations. Despite the series of international efforts and attempts, there are also a series of national concerns, efforts and attempts in combating against the effects of global climate change. This paper is an attempt to draw on the overview of contexts and concerns of international communities for combating global climate change and its discursive influence in national policy discourses. Moreover, the paper attempts to assess the local socio-cultural discourses and dynamics of climate change in relation to global and national discourses. Finally the paper highlights on how global and local climate change knowledge networks and epistemic communities either from political processes or the socio-economic fabrics are interrelated and determinant to each other.

Keywords: climate change; discourses; embeddeness; dynamics; global; local

DOI: 10.3126/dsaj.v4i0.4518

Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Vol.4 2010 pp.143-180


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Author Biography

Jailab Kumar Rai

Rai, Jailab is associated with Central Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal. He is also associated with Forest Action Nepal since January 2009 as a researcher. His research interest areas includes: issues of Natural Resources Management, Conservation Areas, Forest Tenure, Climate Change, etc. He has been continuously engaging in the reviewing and analyzing new constitution building process (contents) in Nepal. He has published some books/booklets: “The Constitution Making Processes, Achievements and Challenges in Nepal" (in Nepali), "State Restructuring and Natural Resources Management: An Analysis of Civic Discourses” (in Nepali), "Geographical Distribution of Natural Resources in Nepal: The Dimension of Nepali State Restructuring" (in Nepali), “Democratizing Conservation Areas in Nepal: Identification and Empowering Indigenous Community Conserved Areas”, “Community Rights on Natural Resources in New Constitution” (in Nepali, co-author), and "Federalism or Local Democracy?" (in Nepali, co- author), "Discourses of Local Governance in Nepal: An Analysis of Legislation, Constitutional Processes and Civil Society Demand" (co-author), and "Protected Areas and Rights Movements: The Inadequacies of Nepal's participatory conservation" (co-author). He has served as editorial contributions to the publications of Forest Action Nepal.


How to Cite

Rai, J. K. (2011). Global and Local Discourses on Climate Change: A Perspective from the Concept of Embeddedness. Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, 4, 143–180.


