Critical Reflective Practice as an Approach to Developing Transformative Living-theory


  • Sadruddin Bahadur Qutoshi Assistant Professor, Karakorum International University



Reflective practice, critical reflection, transformative research, teacher education, professional development


This reflective paper aims to provide an opportunity to the readership in the field of transformative education in order to engage them with reflective practices as professional development approach. In academia, writing reflective papers, using multi-paradigmatic research design, for readers believing in post/positivist views is a challenging task. However, innovative editors of journals encourage to create new knowledge through un/conventional approaches. I used Jack Whitehead’s paper (i.e., the review of my doctoral study- Creating living-educational-theory: A journey towards transformative teacher education in Pakistan) and my own reflections as lived experiences to carry out this study. Moreover, I employed reflexivity as an approach to meaning making to serve the purpose of data analysis in this paper. The key findings of this study show that Jack Whitehead skillfully captures key learning outcomes of the doctoral study and synthesized some deep insights very precisely. He created a space for future researchers especially action researches and self-study practitioners to think about how to engage with multi-epistemic approaches in order to experience transformative learning. It is recommended to encourage reflective writings on un/conventional studies to develop a clear understanding of the existing state of teacher education and nature of the journey of transformative teacher education in the academia.


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Author Biography

Sadruddin Bahadur Qutoshi, Assistant Professor, Karakorum International University

Qutoshi, Sadruddin Bahadur PhD is working at the Karakorum International University as an Assistant Professor since 2008. He is coordinating the Centre for Training and Research on ECD at Faculty of Education. Before that, his two most recent full-time positions were as a Social Protection Coordinator and Gender Focal Person at UNDP, Pakistan, and immediately before that as a Principal, Metroville Community School Karachi. He graduated from Karachi University (B. Sc. & MA-IR), University of London (MA-Edu & Int. Dev) and Kathmandu University (Ph.D. in Education). His research interests and publications have focused on a wide range of issues related to cultural knowing, education, reforms in education, leadership, leading learning organizations, and transformative education and research for sustainable development etc. He is member of many review/editorial committees of inter/national Journals. He is currently supporting a range of work by community organizations on gender and quality education. He has worked in educational institutions within and abroad for over 15 years.




How to Cite

Qutoshi, S. B. (2018). Critical Reflective Practice as an Approach to Developing Transformative Living-theory. Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, 12, 107–111.


