Sandhyopaasan:The Hindu Ritual as a Foundation of Vedic Education


  • Rajendra Raj Timilsina Nepal Television (NTV) Corporation, Nepal



Sandhyopaasan, ritual, peace of mind, health, Nepali Hinduism


Yoga, meditation and Hasta Mudra Chikitsa (medication through the exercise or gesture of hands) known as spiritual activities in the past have been emerged as bases to maintain  one’s health, peace and tranquility. Some people follow yoga, some focus on meditation and others apply “Hasta Chikitsa” or “Mudra”. They are separate traditional exercises. They require to spend 10 to 30 minutes once or twice a day for their optional exercise/s. It is proved that such practice has productive effect in different health treatments. This paper has applied the methods of observation, interview and literature review as qualitative paradigm in exploring their original roots of Vedic Sandhyopaasan. Twice born castes (Brahman, Chhetri and Baishya) of Nepali Hindu society has been found practicing all components of the exercises as a unified ritual of Sandhyopaasan. Upanayan (Bratabandha) ritual teaches Sandhyopaasan procedures for self control and self healing of the performers. Brahman is not eligible as Brahman without doing the ritual daily. However, this study has found that some Dalits have also been practicing Sandhyopaasan daily and feeling relaxed. Findings of this study show that Sandhyopaasan is a compact package of yoga, meditations and Hasta Chikitsa. Students and gurus of Vedas have been regularly following the compact package for inner peace and self control. Root of yoga, meditation and “Mudra” is Sandhyopaasan and this is the base of Hindu education system. The paper analyzes the ritual through Hindu educational perspective.


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Author Biography

Rajendra Raj Timilsina, Nepal Television (NTV) Corporation, Nepal

Timilsina, Rajendra Raj is a doctoral student at Kathmandu University School of Education's Department of Development Studies since 2012. He has earned three master's degrees: Anthropology, Public Administration and Journalism/Mass Communication and has two bachelors including LLB. Inquiry on Vedic knowledge is his epistemic area and he has been doing research on re-emergence of Vedic education system in Nepal. He works on Anthropological and Media research; explores and presents on Neo-Sanskritization through education for inclusive development in Nepal. Simultaneously, he has been analyzing role of Nepali media as public sphere and their contribution through Public Service Announcements (PSA). Academically, Anthropologist Mr. Timilsina had taught anthropology at Trichandra College (T. U.) from 1999-2006 and he delivers on Nepali Hinduism in different forums. He served as visiting faculty at Kathmandu University as well. Professionally, he is television presenter and senior journalist (Senior News Editor) at state owned Nepal Television (NTV) Corporation. He does investigative reporting on good governance and developmental issues as well as conducts talk-shows in spite of live presentations. He intends to reflect academic and research flavor on the screen in making the transmitting materials. He was founding managing editor of "Telepatrika", a Bi-annual journal of NTV. Previously, he was associate editor of "Saadhana" digest where investigative cover story on "Was Buddha's birth place India or Nepal?" India committed with an official letter that she never claimed on Lord Budhha birth in India; the letter was published in the milestone article. Similarly, he has explored and published research article on Phewa Lake of Pokhara on environmental degradation and natural tourism of the lake city of Nepal. He published various articles on socio-economic issues in different news magazines. Due of investigative reporting on corruption and black marketing during 2009-2010; Mr. Timilsina became a first journalist who served as investigation officer for nearly 7 months at Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA). He has been participated and presented papers in national and international symposiums on emerging issues.




How to Cite

Timilsina, R. R. (2015). Sandhyopaasan:The Hindu Ritual as a Foundation of Vedic Education. Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, 9, 53–88.


