Established in 2007 and hosted by Ubiquity.
Managed by Tribhuvan University Central Library.
Nepal Journals Online (NepJOL) is a service to provide online publication of Nepalese journals. For more information about NepJOL and how to join the service, see the About page.
About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The Journal of TESON is published annually by the Teacher Educators’ Society - Nepal. This research journal publishes papers in the areas of teacher education, higher education, general education and educational issues in all subject areas having important implications for the promotion and improvement of teacher education and teaching in Nepal. It accepts papers from Nepal and beyond and aims at advancing the issues around teacher education and teaching. Although the papers from multiple disciplinary areas are accepted, we prioritize the research papers that have considerable implications for teacher education.
Publication Frequency
The Journal of TESON is published annually.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Peer Review Policy
Journal of TESON is a peer-review journal. All articles go through a rigorous process of review. Each paper is sent to two reviewers, and it takes more than 6 months for the review to be completed. A total of 12 reviewers are involved in the process. After the review is completed, the editors and Editor-in-Chief made decisions on whether to accept or reject the papers.
Sources of Support
TESON bears the cost of publication for this journal.
The Journal of TESON is published by the Teacher Educators’ Society - Nepal