Exploring Academic Paradise: Faculty Job Satisfaction in the Business Program at Shanker Dev Campus


  • Puspa Karki Shanker Dev Campus, Kathmandu Nepal
  • Sabu Tamang Shanker Dev Campus, Kathmandu Nepal
  • Purnika Khadka Shanker Dev Campus, Kathmandu Nepal
  • Ritika Khadka Shanker Dev Campus, Kathmandu Nepal
  • Sabin Budhathoki Shanker Dev Campus, Kathmandu Nepal
  • Suman Kamal Parajuli Shanker Dev Campus, Kathmandu Nepal




age, faculty, gender, job, satisfaction


The purpose of this research is to examine the level of satisfaction felt by business program faculty at Shanker Dev Campus (SDC). The research aims to evaluate several hypotheses about demographic parameters including gender, age, and work experience on faculty satisfaction levels. A total of 35 randomly selected faculty members were asked to fill out a standardized questionnaire. A low standard deviation of 0.55682 indicates consistency across respondents, and a mean satisfaction score of 3.9871 indicates that faculty members are typically satisfied with job. A Pearson correlation coefficient seems to indicate no statistical significance when examining the relationship between age, job satisfaction, and work experience. As far as gender disparities in work satisfaction depart, female respondents were somewhat more satisfied on average than male respondents. These findings provide valuable insights into the dynamics among SDC's business program faculty and can help shape initiatives that increase faculty satisfaction and program achievement.


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Author Biographies

Puspa Karki, Shanker Dev Campus, Kathmandu Nepal

BBM 4th

Sabu Tamang, Shanker Dev Campus, Kathmandu Nepal

BBM 4th

Purnika Khadka, Shanker Dev Campus, Kathmandu Nepal

BBM 4th

Ritika Khadka, Shanker Dev Campus, Kathmandu Nepal

BBM 4th

Sabin Budhathoki, Shanker Dev Campus, Kathmandu Nepal

BBM 4th

Suman Kamal Parajuli, Shanker Dev Campus, Kathmandu Nepal

Assoc. Prof.




How to Cite

Karki, P., Tamang, S., Khadka, P., Khadka, R., Budhathoki, S., & Parajuli, S. K. (2024). Exploring Academic Paradise: Faculty Job Satisfaction in the Business Program at Shanker Dev Campus. International Journal of Atharva, 2(1), 130–138. https://doi.org/10.3126/ija.v2i1.63635


