About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The aim of the Educational Journal is to develop innovative thought in the field of education, research & educational administration.

Publication Frequency

Educational Journal publishes two issues per year.

Open Access Policy

Educational Journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Peer Review Process

Reviewers per paper: 2
Time duration of peer review: 3 weeks to one month
Review system: Double blind review (authors and reviewers are anonymised)

The editorial board will review the manuscripts with a literature review based on the research preparation guidelines provided to the authors. Articles that meet the guidelines' requirements will be selected and sent to reviewers. Based on the principle of double-blind peer review, the paper was submitted to two reviewers. Reviewers have three weeks to one month to evaluate the paper according to the instructions given to them. Double-blind peer review was applied to the author's article submitted in the country.

Edited articles are sent to the authors to synthesize the comments and suggestions of the two reviewers. After an author has submitted a revised paper that takes into account reviewers' comments, it is sent back to the respective reviewers to decide if the manuscript is potentially accepted.

The author should incorporate all questions or should defend (clarify) the reviewer's comment. However, the final decision on accepting an article for publication is made by the Editorial Board.


Educational Journal is published by the Research Management Cell, Sanothimi Campus, Sanothimi, Bhaktpur, Nepal.