गीतको पहिचान तथा माधव घिमिरेको ‘नेपालै नरहे’ गीति कविता {Identification of song and Madhav Ghimire's lyrical poetry "Nepalai Narahe" }


  • देवीप्रसाद Deviprasad आचार्य Acharya नेपाली विभाग, मेची बहुमुखी क्याम्पस, त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालय Nepali Department, Mechi Multiple campus, TU




एकालापीय वर्णन, रागात्मक विषयवस्तु, स्वरतालात्मक गेयता, आत्मनिष्ठता, गेय संरचना, monologue description, Selfleshness, lyrical structure, vocal lyricism


प्रस्तुत लेख कवि तथा गीतकार माधव धिमिरे (१९७६—२०७७)का ‘किन्नरकिन्नरी’ गीत सङग्रहमा सङकलित गीतहरूमध्येएउटा गीत (गीति कविता) नेपाल नरहेसँग सम्बद्ध छ । यसलेख नपालै नरहे गीति कवितामा पाइने राष्टियताका भावनाका अध्ययनसंग सम्बन्धित छ । उक्त गीति कविता मुख्य गरी राष्ट र राष्ट्रियताको विषयवस्तुमा आधारित रहेकालेसोही अनुसार यस गीति कवितामा प्रयुक्त पद–पदावलीका व्याख्या र विश्लेषण गर्दै यस गीति कवितामा पाइने गीतकारकाराष्टियताप्रति रहेका भावनाका खोजी गरिएको छ । यहां  गीतमा प्रयुक्त पद तथा पदावलीहरूका विश्लेषण गर्दै भाषापरकअध्ययनलाई अध्ययनका सैद्धान्तिक आधार बनाई गीति कवितामा देशभक्तिको भावना कसरी व्यक्त भएको छ भन्नेआधारबाट अध्ययन गरिएको छ । मुख्य रूपले व्याख्या विश्लषणात्मक विधिबाट अध्ययन गरिएको यस लेखमा योकविता राष्टियताको भावनाले ओतप्रोत भएको गीति कविता हो भन्ने निष्कर्ष दिइएको छ ।

{The present article is related to one of the songs (lyric poetry) compiled in the song collection
'Kinnarkinnari' by the poet and lyricist Madhav Ghimire (1976-2077). Therefore, this article is
related to the study of the sense of nationalism found in Nepali lyrical poetry. As the lyric poem
is mainly based on the theme of nation and nationality, the lyricist's sentiments towards
nationality are explored in this lyric poem by interpreting and analyzing the phrases used in this
lyric poem. Here, by analyzing the terms and phrases used in the song, linguistic study has been
made as the theoretical basis of the study and the study has been done on the basis of how the
feeling of patriotism has been expressed in this lyric poetry. In this article, which has been
studied mainly through interpretive and analytical method, it has been concluded that this poem
is a lyric poem full of nationalism.}


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How to Cite

आचार्य Acharya द. D. (2022). गीतको पहिचान तथा माधव घिमिरेको ‘नेपालै नरहे’ गीति कविता {Identification of song and Madhav Ghimire’s lyrical poetry "Nepalai Narahe" }. Adhyayan Journal, 9(1), 79–87. https://doi.org/10.3126/aj.v9i1.49174


