Fresh Fish Marketing Status in the Northwestern Bangladesh: Recommendations for Sustainable Management


  • Md. Mosaddequr Rahman
  • Md. Akhtar Hossain
  • Dr Fatematuzzhura
  • Shuraya Tasnoova
  • Ferdous Ahamed
  • Md. Yeamin Hossain
  • Jun Ohtomi



Fresh fish, marketing, Rajshahi city, marketing channel, marketing cost, market margin, problems, recommendations


The present study was conducted in six fish markets of Rajshahi city during July 2011 to June 2012. The main objectives of this study was to investigate the marketing channel, marketing cost, marketing margin and the problems associated with fresh fish marketing in Rajshahi city in order to provide recommendations for better fish marketing system. Primary data were collected from 50 fish traders and 150 consumers through previously prepared questionnaires and the secondary source of information consist of published materials such as journals, textbooks, newspaper etc. The results of this study revealed 10 fish marketing channels in fresh fish marketing. The highest and lowest average fish price were recorded as USD 5.99/kg and USD 1.89/kg for cat fish and snake heads respectively. Average marketing cost was found as 6.27% of the final retail price. The market margins for all intermediaries varied from 23.37% for cat fish to 48.57% for prawn species with an average of 40.75%. In contrast, producers’ or fishermen’s share ranged from 51.43% for prawn species to 76.63% for cat fish with an average of 59.25%. The major problems associated with the fish marketing were- presence of long fish marketing channels, involvement of unnecessary middlemen, inadequate and unplanned infrastructural development, rough and unhygienic method of handling, improper and insufficient use of ice, contamination and lack of knowledge on quality aspects among fish traders, insufficient hygienic auction and retail spaces, absence of cold storage facility, inadequate drainage facilities and lack of modern weighing system. Introducing government fish shops, planned infrastructural development of fish markets, introduction of wholesaling and retailing facilities, provision for government and private funding assistance for fish traders, hygienic conditions of landing centers and markets, training and extension works in marketing and management of relevant market research, formation of fishermen or fish producers’ cooperative society, sufficient auction and retail places, improved sanitation and drainage system, digital weighing system, government run fish transportation system with proper storage facilities are recommended for more efficient fresh fish marketing system in Rajshahi city.



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How to Cite

Rahman, M. M., Hossain, M. A., Fatematuzzhura, D., Tasnoova, S., Ahamed, F., Hossain, M. Y., & Ohtomi, J. (2013). Fresh Fish Marketing Status in the Northwestern Bangladesh: Recommendations for Sustainable Management. Our Nature, 10(1), 128–136.


