Perception of Students and Teachers on Practice of Logbook Maintenance and its Value in Pre-Clinical Years


  • Namrata Upadhayay Department of Physiology,Devdaha Medical College and Research Institute, Rupandehi, Nepal
  • Sanjeev Guragain Department of Pharmacology, Devdaha Medical College and Research Institute, Nepal



Examination, Experiments, Logbook, Medical Education


Background and objectives: Logbook keeps the record of practical work done by the students throughout a year. This study was carried out to know the perception of students and teachers on the logbook maintenance and its importance during the practical examination in pre-clinical science.

Materials and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was done in pre-clinical science teachers (n-9) and students (n-40). A semi-structured questionnaire was used to find the (i) Knowledge and importance of logbook (ii) logbook correction and feedback (iii) logbook improvement and examination. Close ended questions data are expressed in percentage. Open-ended responses were categorized, classified according to the theme-wise and later expressed in percentage.

Results: Most of the students (70%) and teachers (100%) listed creditable advantages of maintaining the logbook. They quantified logbook: as notes for the examination, development of dedication and habit of task completion, boost knowledge and skills, development of sense for self-evaluation, problem solver and motivates them  to learn and save their time, guide for quick and precise knowledge during revision, and correct tool to practice skills. However, all teachers and 45% of students mentioned that they lack proper maintenance of logbook on regular basis. The major flaws behind it were copying from seniors/colleagues, writing without feedback and consultation with teachers or books. The other reason for students’ negligence to fill the logbook is due to less quantification of marks for the logbook at the time of examination. Students suggested in updating data, paper quality and pictures of the logbook. Teachers and students emphasized to include marks in each practical class.

Conclusion: Students are lagging behind on proper maintenance of the logbook. To ensure that students have used the right techniques while practicing skills need to be monitored and guided on time. This monitoring to some extent can be assured by getting through the logbook and giving prompt feedback to them on the desk. The training on the logbook maintenance and marks allocation on each practical might enhance the perseverance learning in the students.


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How to Cite

Upadhayay, N., & Guragain, S. (2022). Perception of Students and Teachers on Practice of Logbook Maintenance and its Value in Pre-Clinical Years. Janaki Medical College Journal of Medical Science, 10(2), 28–37.



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