Storage Stability of Fermented Finger Millet (<i>Eleusine coracana</i>) Packaged in PVC Container under Ambient Conditions


  • Dhan Bahadur Karki Central Department of Food Technology
  • Ganga Prasad Kharel Central Department of Food Technology


Fermented millet, PVC container, Storage stability, Chemical and Sensory quality


Effects of PVC container packaging on the chemical and sensory quality of fermented millet under ambient condition were studied. Finger millet was fermented for 15 days at room temperature (25 ±2ºC) using defined fermentation starter, packaged in PVC container and stored at room temperature for 90 days and analyzed for chemical and sensory characteristics as compared to the control (Stored at -300ºC, 0 day). Moisture content; total, fixed and volatile acidities and total sugar did not differ while alcohol content decreased significantly (p < 0.05) in room temperature stored sample (14.4 % v/m) compared to control (13.1% v/m). A significant increase in total soluble solids, reducing sugar, total aldehydes and ester contents occurred in 90 days stored sample. Sensory evaluation revealed that remarkable improvement on color, taste and smell of the millet and occurred in room temperature stored millet than that of control counterpart. Hence, PVC could be a promising packaging container in extending the shelf-life of fermented millet.

Key words: Fermented millet; PVC container; Storage stability; Chemical and Sensory quality

Journal of Food Science and Technology Nepal Vol. 4, September, 2008, Page: 70-71


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Author Biographies

Dhan Bahadur Karki, Central Department of Food Technology

Lecture; Central Department of Food Technology, Institute of Science and Technology, T.U., Nepal

Ganga Prasad Kharel, Central Department of Food Technology

Lecture; Central Department of Food Technology, Institute of Science and Technology, T.U., Nepal



How to Cite

Karki, D. B., & Kharel, G. P. (2009). Storage Stability of Fermented Finger Millet (<i>Eleusine coracana</i>) Packaged in PVC Container under Ambient Conditions. Journal of Food Science and Technology Nepal, 4, 70–71. Retrieved from


