About the Journal

Aims and Scope

JAPFSC is an annual peer-reviewed journal Launched by APF Command and Staff College, Kathmandu, Nepal in 2018. The journal is one of the most-important sources of producing and disseminating the knowledge of related subject. In order to be scientific, knowledge must be (1) systematic, (2) methodical, (3) general, and (4) critical. It aims to provide an international knowledge based platform for innovative studies that make a significant contribution to the understanding Security, Development, Conflict, Peace, Disaster Management, Foreign Aid, International Relations, Human Rights and International Law. The journal welcomes original, academic and research from multi- and interdisciplinary perspectives. The journal will be an impetus for carrying recent theoretical, conceptual, methodological and new paradigms of security, peace and development studies.

Publication Frequency

The journal will be published annually.


The copyright of articles is transferred to the Armed Police Force Command and Staff College.

Sources of Support

The journal is supported by the APF Command and Staff College


The journal is published by the APF Command and Staff College

APF Command and Staff College

APF Command and Staff College is a newly founded educational institution affiliated with the Tribhuvan University, Nepal. Human Capital is being recognized as the most important capital of developmental and security sector in present contemporary world. Quality education to the future Commanders is the primary motto of this college. The only paramilitary type organization, APF is tasked with different mandates by Government of Nepal. To have the better knowledge and professionalism on the mandated task, to produce competent, professional and vibrant mid level officers, to identify the present security challenges within the country and abroad, to extract the essence considering the political, social, cultural, religious, economic, diplomatic and other issues in a coherent manner, this college was established aiming to fulfil the present gap in mid level command and staff appointments.

The College located in the center of Kathmandu Valley is trying to be the centre of excellence and also works on research issues of the organization. This college trains its selected officers in the administrative, operational, staff and policy aspects of the organization. Besides, participating officers get an opportunity to have Masters in Security, Development and Peace Studies (MSDPS) hand in hand with professional studies of Command and Staff Course honoured by the symbol “psc”. Through a unique blend of professional experiential and academic programs delivered within a student-centric culture, this college prepares its students for internal security challenges and need of Nepal and acquaints them with the global security perspective.

The college is headed by a Deputy Inspector General of APF, Nepal assigned as the Commandant of college and chairperson of College Management Committee. The College has two wings, namely Academic Wing and Professional Wing. Academic Wing is coordinated by Academic Program Coordinator responsible for the overall academic program of MSDPS. Eminent professors, professional experts and academicians run their program with independent deliberations. Professional Wing is headed by Chief Instructor and is composed of Directing Staffs/internal instructors (Faculties) who are all Command and Staff Course qualified from Nepal or abroad. This part is conducted in a syndicate room and is facilitated by internal faculty. Apart from its designed syllabus, College is also conducting seminars, conferences and workshops as part and parcel in cooperation and collaboration with Tribhuvan University, other academic institutions and related stakeholders.

To give quality exposure to the student officers, college organizes excursion visit in neighboring countries security organizations (Similar in job nature) which is helping to exchange empirical understanding and experiences among the officers working in the field of law and order. College also organizes internal study tour to expose the student officers with working environment of the units in different work place throughout the country.