Effect of Different Organic Fertilizers and NPK on Growth and Yield of Lentil (Lens culinaris)


  • Pramod K.C. School of Agriculture, Far Western University, Tikapur, Kailali, Nepal
  • Raksha Sharma School of Agriculture, Far Western University, Tikapur, Kailali, Nepal
  • Ramesh Bahadur Karki School of Agriculture, Far Western University, Tikapur, Kailali, Nepal
  • Naresh Joshi School of Agriculture, Far Western University, Tikapur, Kailali, Nepal
  • Durga Bogati School of Agriculture, Far Western University, Tikapur, Kailali, Nepal
  • Kusum Timilsina School of Agriculture, Far Western University, Tikapur, Kailali, Nepal
  • Pramod Bhatta School of Agriculture, Far Western University, Tikapur, Kailali, Nepal
  • Prabin Dangi School of Agriculture, Far Western University, Tikapur, Kailali, Nepal
  • Susmita K.C. School of Agriculture, Far Western University, Tikapur, Kailali, Nepal




Farm yard manure, Grain yield, Vermicompost, Gross return, Panchagavya


The experiment was conducted during the month of November, 2022-March, 2023 in Agronomy Farm, Department of Agriculture, Far Western University, Tikapur, Kailali, Nepal to evaluate the combine effects of different organic fertilizers and NPK on growth and yield attributes of lentils. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four treatments and five replications. The treatments used were: Farm yard manure @ 6 t ha-1 (T1), vermicompost @ 1 t ha-1 (T2), panchagavya @ 3% solution (T3) and control (T4). The recommended dose of chemical fertilizers (20:20:20 kg NPK ha-1) were used as a basal dose in all the treatments. It was observed that the application of FYM proved to be significantly superior in terms of plant height, branch number, first flat pod observation, number of pods/plant (107.18), number of filled pods/plant (101.30), total biomass/plant (79.0 g), number of seeds/pod (1.87) and grain yield/ha (1558 kg). The effects remain similar and non-significant in terms of parameters like germination percentage and other growth stages i.e., branching, flowering, number of unfilled pods/plant, pod weight/plant, grain weight/plant, 1000 grain weight, stover yield and harvest index. FYM also recorded the highest gross return (Rs. 155,800) and net return (Rs. 103,183.33) with a slightly lower BC ratio (2.96) compared to control (3.12). In conclusion, FYM proved to be the best option for achieving the highest grain yield and overall economic returns while control remained the most economical choice based on the benefit-cost ratio.


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How to Cite

K.C., P., Sharma, R., Karki, R. B., Joshi, N., Bogati, D., Timilsina, K., … K.C., S. (2024). Effect of Different Organic Fertilizers and NPK on Growth and Yield of Lentil (Lens culinaris). Agronomy Journal of Nepal, 8, 194–202. https://doi.org/10.3126/ajn.v8i1.70861


