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Nepal Journals Online (NepJOL) is a service to provide online publication of Nepalese journals. For more information about NepJOL and how to join the service, see the About page.
About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The Journal of Academic Development is a multidisciplinary journal which seeks to serve a wider community of academics and practitioners. The focus of the journal is on publishing research articles that relate to faculty expertise and experience and which have a potential to create a meaningful impact on society.
Publication Frequency
The Journal of Academic Development is published annually.
Open Access Policy
The Journal of Academic Development provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Peer Review Process
A single-blind peer review policy is followed by the Journal of Academic Development.
Manuscripts will be evaluated based on their content, originality, methodology, and significance to the field. The editor will treat all submitted manuscripts and information confidentially. Manuscripts under review and their content will not be disclosed to anyone other than the peer reviewers anonymously and editorial board members. The editor will strive to make timely and informed decisions on submitted manuscripts. Authors will be provided with clear and constructive feedback to aid in the improvement of their work. The editor will make decisions on manuscript acceptance or rejection based solely on the academic work and without regard to the author's race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, or institutional affiliation. The editor will ensure a fair peer review process.
Once a manuscript arrives at the editor’s desk, the editors decide whether to desk-reject the manuscript or send it for a blind peer review. The decision to desk-reject is not taken lightly. It only happens in rare cases where the manuscript is not deemed a research manuscript for several reasons – including lack of a systematic investigation, literature review, or data analysis. If the decision is to desk-reject, the author is notified by the editor that the manuscript cannot be accepted for publication, and provided with reasons why the manuscript was not accepted.
In most cases, once a manuscript is received by the editors, it is then sent for a peer review without any author idenfiers. The selection of a peer reviewer is made by the editors based on which peer reviewer’s qualifications match more with the subject matter of the manuscript. The peer reviewers are provided with a peer review form which they complete while reviewing the manuscript. The peer review form makes an assessment on different sections of the manuscript as well as the language and presentation the manuscript and the recommendation of the peer reviewer. A peer reviewer is given 2-3 weeks to review the manuscript.
Along with the peer reviewer’s comments, the editors may suggest a few things. These comments and suggestions are then sent to the author for implementing them in the manuscript with a time frame (generally 3-6 weeks) within which they need to make those corrections.
Once the manuscript is received from the author, the editors check whether everything that has been asked to correct was implemented, along with reasons if any changes could not be made as per suggestion. The chief-editor, once satisfied with the changes made, makes the final decision to accept the manuscript for publication in the journal.
Price for Hard Copies
Full text online: Free
Hard Copy Price: Rs 300
To purchase a hard copy, please contact the
Research Management Cell, Rammani Multiple Campus, Tilottama-5, Manigram, Rupendehi, Nepal.
Phone: 071-560226
The Journal of Academic Development is published by Research Management Cell, Rammani Multiple Campus , Tilottama-5, Manigram, Rupendehi, Nepal.