About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Shabda Sadhana शब्दसाधना is published by Nepali Department of Master's Degree Program, Butwal Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. Shabda Sadhana can enhance the intellectual achievements of scholars and researchers involved in it.

Publication Frequency

Shabda Sadhana publishes two issues a year.

Open Access Policy

Shabda Sadhana शब्दसाधना provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Peer Review Process

After receiving articles from the writers in Nepali Department, if the publication team find it ready to send for review, then the article will be coded by numbers and sent to the reviewers assigned by the Nepali Department of the Butwal Multiple Campus. Reviewers are asked to provide feedback based on the review guidelines provided. Generally, reviewed articles are backed within the 3 weeks of the assignment. After Nepali Department receives the reviewed articles, then these will be resent to respective authors to implement the suggestions made by the reviewers. Then authors will implement all the suggestions provided by the reviewer and send the submission back to the Nepali Department publications team. The Team performs the crosscheck between the files with comments by the reviewer and final files implemented by the respective authors. If it is found fully implementations were made, then the publication team accept the articles to publish in the upcoming issue. These are the common practices used to finalize the articles to publish in the Shabda Sadhana journal.


Shabda Sadhana शब्दसाधना is published by Nepali Department of Master's Degree Program, Butwal Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepal