About the Journal

Focus and Scope

NPI Journal of Science and Technology aims to publish research articles on innovative ideas to help develop appropriate technologies for improved agriculture, and livestock productivity. Since larger economics of Nepal concern raising rural livelihoods, this multidisciplinary journal should contribute to meeting the national agricultural development policy. Therefore, we want to make it a vehicle for generating technologies suitable for diverse agro-ecological regions of Nepal to improve land and food productivity.

The journal publishes full-length peer reviewed scholarly articles annually. Original and review papers drawn from diverse terrains, climate and soil conditions representing agriculture, veterinary science/livestock production and engineering disciplines are invited for submission. Greater emphasis is given to the publication of those research works that address the problems of subsistence farming system leading to the commercialization of Nepalese agriculture while maintaining the environment.

Publication Frequency

NPI Journal of Science and Technology is published annually.

Open Access Policy

NPI Journal of Science and Technology provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Price of Hard Copies

  1. Institutional: NRs. 600.00
  2. Individual: NRs. 400.00
  3. Students: NRs.200.00

Peer Review Process

NPI Journal of Science and Technology has developed a roster of professional experts with qualification of PhD degree. Depending on type of paper submitted and availability of experts, the papers are evaluated by two to three experts and requested to return their comments, suggestions and their decisions not exceeding three weeks. To follow the blind review system, the editorial board keeps the paper authors away from the reviewers of their papers.

The editorial board has a policy to do the initial screening of the papers and forward only those papers that reflect quality of work in terms of methodology and newness in the results such that they could contribute to the world of knowledge and science. The comments and suggestions received from the reviewers in track-change mode are forwarded quickly to the respective authors with notice to return the revised papers within two weeks. The editorial board holds meetings a number of times to share the progress and to make policy decisions for the next move until the papers are made final. We have a policy to publish 15 to 20 papers in one volume including 3 to 4 articles considered for short communication. The editorial board members and the reviewers contribute purely on voluntary basis; hence it is free from monetary system. The editorial board keeps the written record of every agenda it discusses and makes decisions as to which and how many papers to be included in the given volume for publication. The final decision about any matter concerning paper publication rests on the editorial board.

Sources of Support

Nepal Polytechnic Institute (NPI) under the Eastern University of Nepal has a Research and Outreach Division dedicated to seek grants, carry out research and publication work and organize workshops, seminars for sharing knowledge and help update academic curricula. The NPI allocates 1% of its annual budget to serve as a base amount for day to day functioning of the division. The research director and deputy director assisted by a few administrative/support staff run this division. The division is responsible, among others, for publishing the Journal of Science and Technology annually which is a multidisciplinary peer reviewed journal.


NPI Journal of Science and Technology is published by the Nepal Polytechnic Institute, Bharatpur, Chitwan, Nepal