Effectiveness of Online Class and Physical Class during Covid-19 Pandemic


  • Tej Bahadur Karki Nepal Philosophical Research Center, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Dipak Mahat Nepal Philosophical Research Center, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Deepak Raj Kandel Nepal Philosophical Research Center, Kathmandu, Nepal




COVID-19, Online class, Physical class, Students, Tribhuvan University, Shanker Dev Campus, Directives


The Covid-19 became the world-wide health problem which has affected the all sectors. Educational institutions were also bitterly affected from the uncertain lockdown of Covid-19. The pandemic disturbed the physical class and started the online class. This is the reason to study the effectiveness of online v/s Physical Class and implementation of online class directive 2077 of Tribhuvan University. The study was conducted among 206 students of Shanker Dev Campus (SDC) studying in Master level. The study was based on the descriptive design. Online Google form was designed to collect the data from students. Mean and paired sample t- test was used to analyze the data. Cronbach’s Alpha value was observed to test reliability of collected data. Finding of the result shows that majority of the student’s found physical class was more effective than online class in terms of accessibility, easy to use resources, and importance to enhance teaching-learning habit. Majority of students follow the online class code of conduct provision as per directives. Shanker Dev Campus had not fully adopted the online class directive 2077.  The findings suggested to enhance the quality of online class by managing the required devises and technology. The future researcher can study the impact of online class on academic achievement of students.


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Author Biographies

Tej Bahadur Karki, Nepal Philosophical Research Center, Kathmandu, Nepal

Research Expert, Sociological Department

Dipak Mahat, Nepal Philosophical Research Center, Kathmandu, Nepal

Researcher, Management Department

Deepak Raj Kandel, Nepal Philosophical Research Center, Kathmandu, Nepal

Researcher, Law Department




How to Cite

Karki, T. B., Mahat, D., & Kandel, D. R. (2021). Effectiveness of Online Class and Physical Class during Covid-19 Pandemic. Nepal Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 4(1), 14–30. https://doi.org/10.3126/njmr.v4i1.36615


