About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Journal of Vishwa Adarsha College (JOVAC) is a peer-reviewed, open-access, multidisciplinary, and NepJOL-indexed research journal. It is published annually in print and online by the Research and Innovation Committee (RIC) under Vishwa Adarsha College, Itahari, Sunsari. It aims to publish research articles on all areas and disciplines including but not limited to management, humanities, education, and sciences. It encourages national and international researchers and scholars to share their research experiences with students and faculties of the institution and with readers and researchers across the globe.

Publication Frequency

JOVAC is published annually.

Open Access Policy

JOVAC provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

The journal allows its readers to read and download the published articles from the college website: www.vac.edu.np. It will be available for the wider community of researchers after it goes online.

Publication Charge

The journal does not charge the authors for publishing the articles because the journal is fully funded by the institution.


Authors retain the copyright of their work and grant JOVAC the right to publish the manuscript. If the manuscript includes material (e.g. figures, tables) that is not original, authors must obtain permission from the copyright holder for its use.

Privacy Statement

The authors’ information provided to the journal, or the Editorial Board will be kept confidential and used only for the journal’s publishing purposes.


Journal of Vishwa Adarsha College (JOVAC) is published by the Research and Innovation Committee (RIC) under Vishwa Adarsha College, Itahari, Sunsari, Nepal.

Manuscript Review Process

The manuscripts will be reviewed for publication ensuring that they are submitted to JOVAC and have not been published, simultaneously submitted or already accepted for publication in any other journals. The JOVAC follows a blind review peer review process and all submissions will undergo rigorous peer review by experts in the field. Reviewers will not be aware of the names and affiliations of the authors and they will evaluate the originality, significance and methodology of the manuscript.

The peer review process for each manuscript will take eight weeks on average, starting from the submission of manuscripts to the editorial board’s decision for publication. The reviews are done by national and international reviewers. The review process will have the following four stages:

Stage 1: Initial Screening
All manuscripts will be desk-screened. The manuscripts that pass through the screening and plagiarism check by the editors will be sent to one or two reviewers. Manuscripts not able to satisfy the standard guidelines are rejected.

Stage 2: Peer Reviews
Manuscripts successful in the initial screening and plagiarism check will be accepted for peer reviews. The reviewers will evaluate the manuscripts based on the Peer Review Guidelines Form sent to the Editorial Board of JOVAC at ricjovac@gmail.com. Based on the reviewers’ comments, the editors will decide whether the manuscripts should be sent to the authors or not. Manuscripts are sent to the authors for revisions and corrections as per the reviewers’ comments.

Stage 3: Author’s Revision and Reviewers’ Confirmation
The authors should revisit their manuscripts as suggested and send the revised manuscript to the editorial office of JOVAC. The revised manuscripts are once again sent to the reviewers to enhance the quality of revision and editing. The reviewers will go through the manuscripts to ensure the quality of revision and editing. Thus, the authors will get the second/final round opportunity to revise and improve their article and fix any language and grammar issues.

Stage 4: Proof Reading and Acceptance for Publication
Proofreading will be done by both the concerned authors and the editors. All revised manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors to ensure the standards of the journal for publication. Finally, the editorial board will write a letter/email of acceptance to the successful authors.

The editorial board of JOVAC reserves the right to reject the manuscripts on the following conditions: manuscript being out of scope, manuscript not formatted correctly, not following citation, and referencing guidelines, and not addressing peer reviewers’ comments adequately. Other reasons for rejection may include plagiarism and publication misconduct. However, the authors are encouraged to resubmit after the revision if the research was conducted scientifically.

Publication and Decision Time
If the submission is complete as per the guidelines, the Editorial Board will start the initial screening process and review and may provide feedback to the respective authors.

The editorial board will take one to two weeks for the initial screening and feedback, two months for the peer review, and one month for the editing and publication. The submission is accepted and published within 6 months.

The editorial board is committed to the timely publication and will keep the authors updated about the ongoing status of their manuscripts. If the authors have any questions, they can contact via email at ricjovac@gmail.com.

Editorial Guidelines

The editorial guidelines are designed to maintain the quality, integrity, and scholarly rigor of publication for the Journal of Vishwa Adarsha College (JOVAC). They provide editors with clear instructions and best practices to ensure effective editorial management. They serve as a roadmap for editors to upload standards of excellence, integrity, and professionalism in managing the peer review and publication process.

1. Manuscript Handling
1.1 Initial Screening:

  • Conduction of initial assessment of all submitted manuscripts to ensure they align with the journal’s scope and submission guidelines.
  • Check for adherence to formatting requirements, ethical considerations, and completeness of submission.
  • Reject manuscripts that do not meet the basic criteria and provide authors with clear reasons for rejection.

1.2 Peer Review Process:

  • Select qualified reviewers with expertise in the subject matter of the manuscript.
  • Maintain confidentiality of the peer review process by ensuring anonymity of reviewers and authors.
  • Provide reviewers with clear guidelines and evaluation criteria for assessment manuscripts.
  • Monitor the progress of peer review and ensure timely completion of reviews.
  • Evaluate reviewer comments and provide constructive feedback to authors.
  • Make editorial decisions based on reviewer recommendations, manuscript quality and alignment with journal standards.

1.3 Editorial Decision Making

  • Consider reviewer comments, author responses, and the significance of the research in making editorial decisions.
  • Communicate decisions to authors promptly and transparently, providing clear explanations for acceptance, revision, or rejection.
  • Encourage authors to address reviewer feedback thoroughly and resubmit revised manuscripts for further consideration.
  • Exercise editorial discretion in cases where reviewer opinions are conflicting or ambiguous.

2. Ethical Considerations
2.1 Plagiarism and Misconduct:

  • Ensure adherence to ethical standards in publishing, including plagiarism detection, data integrity, and proper attribution.
  • Address any suspected cases of plagiarism, data fabrication, or other forms of misconduct related to writing and publication.
  • Follow established protocols for investigating and resolving ethical concerns, including consultation with relevant stakeholders and authorities.

2.2 Conflict of Interest:

  • Handle conflict of interest transparently and impartially, prioritizing the integrity of the peer review and publication process.

3. Editorial Policies
3.1 Authorship and Contribution:

  • Ensure that all individuals who have made substantial contributions to the research are listed as authors, and that the appropriate credit is given.
  • Clarify authorship criteria and expectations to authors, including requirements for authorship attribution and acknowledgement of contributions.

3.2 Copyright and Licensing:

  • Communicate journal policies regarding copyright, licensing, and permissions to authors, ensuring compliance with relevant legal and ethical standards.
  • Provide guidance to authors on copyright transfer agreements, open access options, and licensing terms for their published work.

3.3 Publication Ethics:

  • Uphold standards of academic integrity and scholarly rigor in all published content.
  • Monitor and address issues related to copyright infringement, retractions, corrections, and expressions of concern as needed.
  • Ensure transparency and accountability in editorial processes, including disclosure of conflicts of interest and editorial decisions.

4. Editorial Responsibilities
4.1 Editorial Board Management:

  • Recruit and appoint qualified members to the editorial board, ensuring diversity of expertise and representation.
  • Facilitate communication and collaboration among editorial board members, reviewers and authors.
  • Provide support and guidance to editorial board members in carrying out their roles effectively.

4.2 Journal Promotion and Outreach:

  • Promote the journal within the academic community through conferences, social media, and other channels.
  • Encourage submissions from diverse geographical regions and underrepresented fields.
  • Seek opportunities for collaboration with other institutions and publications to enhance visibility and impact.

4.3 Continuous Improvement:

  • Solicit feedback from authors, reviewers, and readers to identify areas for improvement in journal policies and processes.
  • Regularly assess the effectiveness of editorial workflows and implement changes to streamline operations and enhance quality.
  • Stay updated on developments in scholarly publishing and incorporate best practices into journal operations.