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The Journal of Health Promotion (JHP), an official publication of the Health Education Association of Nepal (HEAN), is a leading journal that reflects contemporary health education and promotion thinking. The journal aims to publish high-quality original research articles, review articles (thematic and systematic), and a brief report covering the broad range of health education and promotion approaches at various levels. This journal aims to provide a platform for informing and discussing the current issues and concerns regarding various dimensions and scopes of health promotion, including health education, health service, health policies, and broader determinants of health. We encourage national and international contributions and papers from academicians, researchers, teachers, nurses, medical personnel, and health promotion practitioners.
Current Issue
This volume of JHP features four categories of articles: editorial, original research, review, and short communications. It includes six original research articles, three review papers, and one short communication.
The editorial section provides a platform for readers to explore the application of Participatory Action Research (PAR) in health education and promotion. The original research articles present empirical findings on topics such as smoking, nutritional status, midday meal consumption behaviours among schoolchildren, audio-visual teaching materials in health education classrooms, and the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases among elderly people in the community. The review section includes articles addressing the health, well-being, and academic performance of migrants and their children, as well as food and nutrition literacy for women experiencing polycystic ovary syndrome. Lastly, the short communication article reflects on collective experiences spanning over two decades of research on labour migration.