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About the Journal
Aims and Scope
Journal of Business and Social Sciences (JBSS) is a multidisciplinary double blind peer-reviewed journal of Hetauda School of Management and Social Sciences. JBSS is the platform for original research works in the field of social sciences, education, economics, accounting, finance, marketing, management, literature, statistics, culture, psychology, medicine, public health, science and so other related issues on business and social sciences. The nature and scope of the journal is to serve the authors, readers, reviewers, academicians, practitioners, policy makers and students through prompt publication of significant advances in any branch of business and social sciences. JBSS ensures to disseminate the results of research to the public throughout the world, in a fashion that conveys their significance for knowledge, culture, and daily life. The future plan of the journal is to make JBSS international.
Authors are required to transfer their copyright to Hetauda School of Management and Social Sciences (HSMSS)
Publication Frequency
The journal will be published annually.
Peer-Review Process
JBSS follows double blind peer-review process. The manuscript is submitted for review to minimum two experts from the panel of peer review and editorial board. A key convention in the publication of research is the peer review process, in which the quality and potential contribution of each manuscript is evaluated by one's peers in the scientific community. Like other scientific journals, APA journals utilize a peer review process to guide manuscript selection and publication decisions. Toward the goal of impartiality, the majority of APA journals follow a masked review policy, in which authors' and reviewers' identities are concealed from each other. Reviewer identities are never shared unless the reviewer requests to sign their review.
The action editor scans the paper to gain an independent view of the work. This "quick read" provides a foundation for the more thorough reading that follows it by no means determines the final decision, but does parallel how authors can expect many reviewers (and readers) to approach their papers. First, the editor scans the paper from beginning to end for obvious flaws in the research substance and writing style. If problems show on the surface, a deeper reading is likely to uncover other matters needing attention. After this initial examination of the manuscript, the action editors, as well as any peer reviewers, will follow these general guidelines; read the abstract whether it is conclusion –oriented abstracts or not, examine the full manuscript, scan the paper headings, check for plagiarism, scan the references, scan the tables and figures and so other basis developed on expertise of the reviewer.
Payment for Print Copies
Institutional NRs. 400
Individual NRs. 200
SAARC/International $20
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its online content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
The Journal of Business and Social Sciences is published by the Research Department, Hetauda School of Management and Social Sciences.