About the Journal

Aims and Scope

Journal of Brain and Spine Foundation (JBSFN) is the official journal of Brain and Spine Foundation Nepal, an organization dedicated to provide services for improvement of quality of care and education in neurological disorders. JBSFN is a biannual, peer reviewed and open access international journal mainly targeted to neurology, neurosurgery and the disorders of the spine. However we do encourage research articles of any allied speciality with its association to the neurological and spine related conditions.

Peer Review Process

Articles are to be submitted to the journal via the official email editor.jbsfn@gmail.com. These articles will then undergo primary review in the editorial office assigned to the members by the Chief or Managing Editor. The articles which fulfil the journal’s guidelines will be checked for plagiarism. Once all the preliminary steps are passed, the articles will be assigned to two peer reviewers who will be blinded about the articles’ authors and their place of study. The peer review will take about 4-6 weeks from the date of submission. The article shall be sent back to the corresponding author if any corrections or explanation is required. Once all corrections are made and resubmitted, the final review will be done by the editorial board (mainly the Chief Editor or the Managing Editor). Once the final decision has been made, the article will be sent for formatting and a pre-print soft copy shall be sent the corresponding author for proof-reading and license to publish the article and their consent shall be taken before sending the article for Print/publishing. The article shall be available both online (open access) and in a print version.

Publication Frequency

JBSFN publishes two issues a year.


The author holds the full non-exclusive copyright of their articles published. A license to publish the article is then obtained by the journal.

Article Processing and Publication Fees

The is no processing fee for the journal.

However, in order to cover the cost of publishing and cost of distribution, the journal charges 50 USD to foreign authors and NRs 3500 for inland authors. The publication fee is subject to change with time and also can be waived in special circumstances, the decision of which lies solely within the editorial board.

Open Access

JBSFN is an open access journal which can be accessed free on NepJOL.

Creative Commons Licence
Journal of Brain and Spine Foundation Nepal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License which allows use, distribution and reproduction in any medium provided proper attribution is made. The license also allows for commecial use.

Sources of Support

The journal is supported by the Brain and Spine Foundation Nepal and from the publication fees charged to authors.


JBSFN is published by the Brain and Spine Foundation Nepal