The Editorial Note


  • Bharat Ram Dhungana School of Business Pokhara University




Message from Editorial Board

We are pleased to present the eighth volume (Issue 1) of JBM. The Journal of Business and Management, JBM, is an academic journal published by the School of Business, Pokhara University. The Journal publishes research articles in management, economics, and related fields. The main objective of JBM is to provide a platform for disseminating knowledge that contributes to improving management practices in developing nations. It also provides a scholarly publication outlet for scholars. It promotes research in alternative paradigms for business management and economics. JBM enhances cooperation and communication among academics. We also seek to offer new perspectives on business management in line with our underlying commitment to a more ethical and sustained business culture. JBM envisages creating a new forum for the scholarly community by focusing on management issues in developing countries.

We received 19 research papers and accepted only 12 research papers for the publication after blind peer review of each research paper by two peer reviewers. We also checked similairy index and use of AI  in the submitted research papers. As per the plagiarism policy of the Journal, we rejected the AI used and 15% above similarity index research papers. In this issue, 38 authors contributed the papers as a collaborative and single authorship. The authors were from Kathmandu University, Tribhuvan University, Pokhara University, Mid-West University and from Foreign Universities - Oklahoma State University (USA), Begum Rokeya University (Bangladesh), Shandong University (China), and British University Vietnam (Vietnam).

The Editorial Board would like to thank the authors and researchers who contributed to the eighth volume (Issue 1) of JBM. Also, we express our sincere gratitude to the advisory board of the JBM, peer reviewers, the Office of the Dean of Faculty of Management Studies and the School of Business, Pokhara University, Pokhara University Research Center, NEPJOL authorities, and all supporting hands for their valuable support in the process of publication. We anticipate critical feedback and constructive suggestions for improving the JBM in the upcoming issues.

Thank you for considering JBM- The Journal of Business and Management as a publication outlet. The Editorial Board welcomes original research-based articles and expects your contribution, suggestion, and support for the upcoming issue.

Associate Professor Bharat Ram Dhungana, Ph.D.

Editor-in-Chief , The Journal of Business and Management

School of Business, Pokhara University, Pokhara, Nepal

June 30, 2024



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How to Cite

Dhungana, B. R. (2024). The Editorial Note. Journal of Business and Management, 8(1). Retrieved from



The Editorial Note