A Rare Presentation of Orbital Roof Blow-out Fracture with Intact Vision


  • Arbindra Kumar Yadav B & C Medical College and Teaching Hospital & Research Center, Birtamode, Jhapa, Nepal
  • Manohar Kumar Ray B & C Medical College and Teaching Hospital & Research Center, Birtamode, Jhapa, Nepal
  • Birat Thapa Magar B & C Medical College and Teaching Hospital & Research Center, Birtamode, Jhapa, Nepal
  • Dinesh Kumar Thapa B & C Medical College and Teaching Hospital & Research Center, Birtamode, Jhapa, Nepal
  • Karuna Tamrakar Karki B & C Medical College and Teaching Hospital & Research Center, Birtamode, Jhapa, Nepal
  • Pankaj Raj Nepal B & C Medical College and Teaching Hospital & Research Center, Birtamode, Jhapa, Nepal




Orbital blow out fracture, facial injuries, orbital roof fracture


The orbital blowout fracture is most common in its inferior and medial wall; however we are presenting here a rare case of superior orbital wall blowout fracture with intact vision. This is a presentation of a 55 year-old right handed gentleman following road traffic accident had left orbital injury causing orbital roof fracture. Despite of such a huge injury there was no deterioration of his vision and his movements of the eye balls were also absolutely preserved.


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Author Biographies

Arbindra Kumar Yadav, B & C Medical College and Teaching Hospital & Research Center, Birtamode, Jhapa, Nepal

Department of Neurosurgery

Manohar Kumar Ray, B & C Medical College and Teaching Hospital & Research Center, Birtamode, Jhapa, Nepal

Deparment of Neurosurgery

Birat Thapa Magar, B & C Medical College and Teaching Hospital & Research Center, Birtamode, Jhapa, Nepal

Department of Neurosurgery

Dinesh Kumar Thapa, B & C Medical College and Teaching Hospital & Research Center, Birtamode, Jhapa, Nepal

Department of Neurosurgery

Karuna Tamrakar Karki, B & C Medical College and Teaching Hospital & Research Center, Birtamode, Jhapa, Nepal

Department of Neurosurgery

Pankaj Raj Nepal, B & C Medical College and Teaching Hospital & Research Center, Birtamode, Jhapa, Nepal

Department of Neurosurgery




How to Cite

Yadav, A. K., Ray, M. K., Magar, B. T., Thapa, D. K., Karki, K. T., & Nepal, P. R. (2019). A Rare Presentation of Orbital Roof Blow-out Fracture with Intact Vision. Eastern Green Neurosurgery, 1(2), 32–33. https://doi.org/10.3126/egn.v1i2.25732



Case Reports