About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Devdaha Medical Journal is published by Devdaha Medical College and Research Institute Pvt. Ltd, Devdaha Municipality 32907, Nepal. It publishes original articles, review article, case report, personal communication, letters to the editors and book reviews along with abstracts of medical conferences.

Publication Frequency

Devdaha Medical Journal publishes two issues a year.

Open Access Policy

Devdaha Medical Journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Article Processing Charges

The author(s) do not have to pay for submission, processing and publishing their articles if selected by editorial due process; priority of selecting manuscripts will be given to current, relevant issues.

Peer Review Policy

Two reviewers are involved per paper and it takes 2 weeks for a review. Its double blind date and the chief editor makes the final decision for publication.

Sources of Support

Funds by Devdaha Medical College & Research Institute Pvt. Ltd


Devdaha Medical Journal is published by Devdaha Medical College and Research Institute Pvt. Ltd, Devdaha Municipality 32907, Nepal.