Established in 2007 and hosted by Ubiquity.
Managed by Tribhuvan University Central Library.
Nepal Journals Online (NepJOL) is a service to provide online publication of Nepalese journals. For more information about NepJOL and how to join the service, see the About page.
About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The aim of the Dhaulagiri Journal of Contemporary Issues is to promote and explore the research and scholarly work and work of novice researchers and academic practitioners in Nepal and abroad. The aim is to expand the dimensions of knowledge in multidisciplinary societies. The journal focuses on scholarly writing as well as meta-analysis (review writing) in the fields of social sciences, education, management, economics, mathematics, language, physical sciences, natural sciences, and other relevant multidisciplinary subjects and issues.
Publication Frequency
DJCI is published annually, usually in July but online submission is always open.
Open Access Policy
DJCI provides immediate open access to its digital content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. This license allows others to use, distribute, and build upon your work, as long as they provide attribution to you as the original creator. However, the license restricts commercial use of the work, meaning others cannot use it for commercial purposes without seeking additional permissions or licensing agreements.
Ethical Considerations
This Journal expects that the reviewer/editors/authors review/edit/write without ideological bias and keep the writing/review process entirely confident. The articles are to be scrutinized by the renowned editors who finally decide to publish the articles in this journal in accordance with editorial policy without any preference or influence The editors and publisher have no responsibility regarding the statements and opinions expressed in the articles.
The article submission, review, and revision process are conducted through an online system, following APA 7th edition. The journal utilizes a double-blind review process ensuring impartial evaluation. Once the peer review process is completed, the article will or will not be considered for publication. Contributors are expected to adhere to the author guidelines of the journal.
Peer Review Process
- Each manuscript is first reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief in consultation with a deputy editor. If it meets the goals and scope of journals, it is then submitted to two reviewers for double-blind review.
- The peer review process usually takes 6-8 weeks but may take longer in some cases.
- The Editor-in-Chief has the authority of possible decisions on (a) accept, (b) minor revision, (c) major revision, (d) reject based on the reviewers' recommendations.
- The author will notify about acceptance-rejection, and make a correction in the manuscript, as per requirement based on the review. The author can revise according to suggestion and resubmit a revised version of their paper within the given timeline and sends a revised manuscript. The paper will be formally accepted for publication when all editorial issues are resolved and notify it to author
- The decisive responsibility for editorial decisions lies with the respective subject editor and in some cases with the Editor-in-Chief. All received papers should be directed to the Editor-in-Chief, who may decide to seek advice from the subject editor and reviewers.
- There is no assurance that a submission that is encouraged to be edited and re-submitted will be accepted. No paper can be included in more than one publication.
- No allowance will be given to the contributors.
- The receiving paper is restricted by any libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism laws that will be in effect at that time.
Sources of Support and Publisher
Dhawalagiri Multiple Campus, Baglung, Nepal