Investigating the Implementation of the Buffer Zone Approach in Development: A Case Study of Suklaphanta Wildlife Reserve, Kanchanpur, Nepal


  • Daman Dhoj DC Tribhuvan University, Mahendra Multiple Campus, Nepalgunj



bio-diversity, buffer-zone, development, Suklaphanta, wildlife reserve


The study conducted in February-March 2023 aimed to assess the socio-economic status of rural communities residing in the buffer zone surrounding Suklaphanta Wildlife Reserve (SWR) in Kanchanpur district, referred to as a zone of impact adjacent to the Conservation Area. The buffer zone covers various locations, including Bhim att, Bedkot municipality, Suklaphanta municipality, Beldandi Village municipality, and others. Data was collected through household surveys in five sample locations: Chathari, Sunderpur, Bagphanta, Nayagaun, and Lalpur. A total of 50 households were surveyed, with 10 sample households per location, using structured questionnaires and observation sheets. Findings from the study indicated an average family size of 6.08 individuals, with varying levels of education among adults. Approximately 74% of households were primarily engaged in agriculture, while other means of occupation included hotel business, trade, and service sector jobs. The study also highlighted the significant role of women in farming activities and childcare. Tourism was identified as an emerging economic activity in the buffer zone, with around 55% of visitors coming from different parts of the country to SWR. The Wildlife Reserve positively impacted the socio-economic environment by conserving natural resources, promoting greenery, and contributing to income and employment generation. Respondents acknowledged the buffer zone's importance in water resource conservation, with 90% agreeing that it was fruitful in this regard. However, around 6% reported facing challenges due to wild animals. Ultimately, if future initiatives align with the buffer zone's potential, the study concluded that rural poverty could be reduced, and the livelihoods of people in the area could be improved.


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Author Biography

Daman Dhoj DC, Tribhuvan University, Mahendra Multiple Campus, Nepalgunj

Department of Rural Development




How to Cite

DC, D. D. (2023). Investigating the Implementation of the Buffer Zone Approach in Development: A Case Study of Suklaphanta Wildlife Reserve, Kanchanpur, Nepal. Academia Research Journal, 2(2), 91–104.


