Rice Gene Pool for Tarai and Inner Tarai Areas of Nepal
Ancestor, Landrace, Nepalese rice cultivar, Rice gene pool, Tarai and Inner TaraiAbstract
Knowledge on crop gene pool helps to develop varieties, to know the potential sources forbreeding materials and to develop strategy for sustainable use and conservation. The amount of
genetic diversity presents depends on the number and diversity of the original ancestors
involved in the creation of a germplasm pool, existing landraces and wild species. The objective
of this research was to study the diversity of rice gene pool present in the Nepalese improved
rice cultivars and landraces adapted to Tarai and Inner Tarai (<1000 m). Pedigrees of 28
Nepalese rice cultivars were examined and surveyed the literature for distribution of landraces
and wild relatives of rice. Crosses among indica rice gene pool are more common and use of
japonica and nivara species were less common. There are 28 improved rice cultivars, >500
landraces, and 6 wild species and relatives of rice adapted to Tarai and Inner Tarai. Eight
countries are the origins for 28 cultivars. In Nepal 4 cultivars were bred and developed using a
local landrace and exotic genotypes. A total of 35 ancestors originated in 11 different countries
were used to develop these 28 cultivars. Highest number of ancestors was from India. Use of
ancestors of both sativa and nivara species having indica and japonica types indicated the
collection of wide gene pool. Most of the ancestors were sativa (60.00%) and indica (65.71%).
Genetic erosion is observed in rice diversity therefore, in situ, on farm and ex situ conservations
are necessary for maintaining the genetic variation. Utilization of local landraces in breeding
program may be the good way of genetic resources conservation. Gene pool from these
landraces along with international gene pool could make towards success in developing high
yielding cultivars with wide adaptability and/or site specific. In this study, cultivars and
landraces surveyed represent a wide range of variation for different areas of origin and
adaptation. This genetic diversity is very useful for further rice improvement and should be
conserved both ex situ and in situ.
Key words: Ancestor; Landrace; Nepalese rice cultivar; Rice gene pool; Tarai and Inner Tarai
DOI: 10.3126/narj.v6i0.3339
Nepal Agriculture Research Journal Vol.6 2005 pp.10-22
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How to Cite
Joshi, B. K. (2010). Rice Gene Pool for Tarai and Inner Tarai Areas of Nepal. Nepal Agriculture Research Journal, 6, 24–27. https://doi.org/10.3126/narj.v6i0.3339
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