The Journal of Nepal Chemical Society (JNCS) is a peer-reviewed chemistry journal published by Nepal Chemical Society (NCS), Kathmandu, NEPAL. JNCS publishes original research papers, review articles, short communications and research reports on topics related to different chemistry disciplines such as organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, nanochemistry and nanomaterials, polymer chemistry and polymer composites, biochemistry and bio molecules, environmental chemistry, geo-chemistry, and allied fields.

Authors Guidelines for the Journal of Nepal Chemical Society (JNCS)

Aims and scope

The Journal of Nepal Chemical Society (JNCS) is a peer-reviewed Journal published by the Nepal Chemical Society. JNCS publishes original research papers, review articles, case studies short communications and letters related to several areas of chemistry and closely related fields.It is dedicated to provide original, most updated, well-designed and scientifically discussed research information in the several areas of chemistry. The JNCS is an open-access journal indexed in Nepjol ( Articles are published on a bi-annual basis and made available in both online and printed formats.

Author (s) should declare that submitted work should not have been published elsewhere, accepted or under consideration by any other publisher.

Authors are kindly requested to check the final paper thoroughly before submission.Make sure that all the requirements stated in the instructions are carefully fulfilled prior to submission.

Specific point to note

  • The manuscript should be written in grammatically correct English language (preferably British) using Times New Roman, font size 12 pt. line spacing 1.5, and paper size A4 with 2cm margin around. (Avoid full justification, i.e., do not use a constant right-hand margin.) Ensure that each new paragraph is clearly indicated.
  • The length of the paper should preferably not exceed8-12 typed pages for the original article, 12-18 typed pages for the review article, and 3-4 pages for short communications including tables, figures and references,.
  • Table(s) and figure(s) should be inserted in the main text in the appropriate position. However, high quality image file (in JPGE/TIFF) should be sent separately.
  • Enter the page number on every page.
  • Title page: TITLE (14 pt. bold, sentence case). Authors’ names (11 pt. bold), with affiliations and corresponding address with email (11 pt. italics), Abstract (not exceeding 250 words and keywords (not exceeding 5 words)
  • Cover letter: Each manuscript should include separate cover letter with explaining the significance of the work and the problem that is addressed. It should not exceed more than one page. Consent from all co-authors must be taken prior to the submission.

Instruction for preparation of Manuscript


A full-length paper should normally be divided into the following parts: Title, Authors’ names with affiliations and corresponding address with email, Abstract followed by Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods (or Experimental), or Results and Discussion)Conclusions, Acknowledgements,Author (s) Contribution Statement, References, and Annexures/Supporting documents(if any).

Title:Titles should represent the content of the manuscript, serve as a guide to reference librarians, and facilitate communication. It should be concise, meaningful, and clear. Subtitles may be used whenever needed. Title should be centered, boldface, sentence case.

Author(s): The full name of the author(s) should be written in 11 pt. bold, center aligned just below the title. The authors’ list should include only those who have made a substantial contribution to the design and execution of the work and the writing of the manuscript. Authors’ affiliations represent the official institutional address of the authors. It should be typed in 11 pt., italics. Authors should identify the name and address of the author to whom correspondence should be sent.

Abstract:The Abstract should summarize and briefly explain the major findings of paper. It should contain an experimental question, method, major findings and conclusions not exceeding 250 words. The abstract must be followed by keywords (not exceeding 5).

Introduction: The main purpose of the research should appear in the introduction section. It should define the purpose of the work and its significance, including specific hypothesis tested. Pertinent information on the research field should be carefully reviewed and key publications cited. 

Materials and Methods:Provide sufficient information clearly to allow someone to reproduce the published results. A clear description of your experimental design, sampling procedures, and statistical procedures should be described. The methods already published should be indicated by a reference, and only relevant modifications should be described. Provide the source of the chemical used and the model number for equipment/instruments used (if any).

Resultsand Discussion: Provide a concise and precise description of the experimental results and their interpretation. Present the results logically in text, tables and figures.Discuss the results of your study from data obtained from other secondary sources. Interpret your results and relate them to the results of previous research. The findings and their implications should be discussed in the broadest context possible.

Conclusions:State the main conclusions of the research and give a clear explanation of the importance and relevance.

Acknowledgements:Acknowledge only those who have made an important contribution to the study. Many contributions justify acknowledgments, such as technical help, financial support, and sources of materials, and persons who have contributed intellectually to the development of the manuscript.

Author (s)Contribution Statement: The authors should mention the contributions to the work by each author. For instance, the section should cover but not limited to: conceptualization, methodology, software, validation, formal analysis, investigation, data curation, visualization,writing-original draft preparation, writing-Review and editing, supervision etc. Please follow CRediT author statement (Elsevier) for the term explanation.

Conflict of Interest: The authors should declare if there is any conflict of interest. If there is no conflict of interest that should also be clearly stated as 'the authors do not have any conflict of interest pertinent to this work'.

Ethical Statement: The authors should state that it is their original work and has not been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere. In addition, if human subjects and/or animals are part of the research work, the authors must provide ethical approval from the Institutional Review Board (or similar entity) to show that they obtained consent to carry out the research.

Data Availability Statement: The data availability statement should be clarified by mentioning the responsible author who has owned the raw data. For instance, one can state: 'The data that support the findings of this study can be made available from the corresponding author, upon reasonable request'.

Annexures/supporting documents:In special cases, if the article is too long to justify the results, then a few documents/results/files would be sent as supporting files to support the original article. The supporting files would not be visible in print or online

References:Author(s) take full responsibility for the accuracy of their reference.All publications cited in the text should be referred to in a list of references following the text of the manuscript. In the text refer to references by a number in square brackets on the line (e.g. [1]).

Reference Style

Journal article

[Author name], [Title of paper (sentence case)], [Full Journal name (Italics)], [Year], [Volume No. (issue No.)], [page-to-page], DOI

  1. Khanal, Y. Lu, D. Jin, and S. Xu, Effects of layered double hydroxides on the thermal and flame retardant properties of intumescent flame retardant high density polyethylene composites,Fire and Materials,2022, 46(1), 107-116.


  1. Mogana, A. Adhikari, M.N.Tzar, R. Ramliza, and C.J. Wiart, Antibacterial activities of the extracts, fractions and isolated compounds from CanariumpatentinerviumMiq. against bacterial clinical isolates, BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies, 2020,20, 1-11.


  1. Bhattarai, E. Akiyama, H. Habazaki, A. Kawashima, K. Asami, and K. Hashimoto, The passivation behavior of sputter-deposited W-Ta alloys in 12 M HCl, Corrosion Science, 1998,40(4-5), 757-779. (DOI:


S.M. Khopkar, Basic Concepts of Analytical chemistry, 2nd ed., New Age International, Dehli, 1998.

Edited book

  1. Kissinger, W.R. Heineman (eds.), Laboratory Techniques in ElectroanalyticalChemistry, Revised and Expanded, 2nd ed., CRC press, 2018, India

Book Chapter

P.T. Kissinger, C.R. Preddy, R.E. Shoup, W.R. Heineman, Fundamental Concept of Analytical Electrochemistry, In P. Kissinger, W.R. Heineman (eds.), Laboratory Techniques in ElectroanalyticalChemistry, Revised and Expanded, 2nd ed., CRC press, 2018, India


  1. Bhattarai, Tailoring of corrosion-resistant tungsten alloys by sputtering. PhD Thesis, Department of Materials Science, Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku University, Japan, 1998

Unit: All measurements and data should be given in SI units, or if SI units do not exist, in an internationally accepted unit. Please include an explanatory footnote the first time it is used for use of any symbol or unit that may not be generally recognized.

Math formulae

Equations and formulae should be typewritten using Equation editor/Math type wherever possible. Equations should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in parentheses on the right hand side of the page.

Tables, Figures/Pictures

The tables and figures should be marked with self-explanatory notes and figure legends. Figure and table captions should be given below and above, respectively. Figures and illustrations should be in JPEG/TIFF (at least 300 dpi resolution) format. Each figure and table should be linked with the text. Figure and Table number should be in sequence, using Arabic numerals – i.e., Fig. 1. 2., 3., etc., Table 1., 2., 3., etc. Table and figure caption should be in 10 pt., centered align.

Acronyms/Abbreviations should be defined the first time they appear in each of three sections: the abstract; the main text; the first figure or table. When defined for the first time, the acronym/abbreviation should be added in parentheses after the written-out form.

Manuscript submission

Chief Editor

Journal of Nepal Chemical Society, GPO Box 6145, Kathmandu, NEPAL.


The Chief Editor's decisions about the publication of the submitted papers are final. The views stated in the articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the Editorial Board or the publisher. Furthermore, it is expected to suggest the full names and email addresses of three possible reviewers who are relevant to the manuscript's subject area.

Authorship Change

Authors should carefully consider the order and list of authors before submitting their manuscript and provide the definitive author list at the time of the original submission. If change of the authorship is required, including the order of the authors, during or after the review, corresponding author need to send the written confirmation (email, letter) to the Editorial Office. Confirmation letter should contain consent from all authors that they agree for change of authorship and the reason for the change the author list.

Peer review process

The JNCS editorial board evaluate all submitted articles to check whether submitted manuscript is appropriate for the journal or not. After initial screening, the manuscript will be sent to reviewers according to their expertise. Generally, the manuscript will be send to a minimum two reviewer; and third reviewer will also be assigned in particular situation.Double-blind peer review process is applied for the manuscript submitted to JNCS

Publication Charge

The JNCS does not charge a fee for submission, processing and publication of the articles.

Copyright Notice

© Journal of Nepal Chemical Society

Updated: May 2024

Current Issue

Vol. 44 No. 1 (2024)
Published: 2024-02-21

Research Article

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