Photovoltaic Studies of Cd1-xCoxS Based Electrochemical Cells


  • L. P. Deshmukh Thin Film & Solar Studies Research Laboratory, Department of Physics (Appl. Elect.), Solapur University, Solapur
  • S. T. Mane Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Dr. Patangrao Kadam Mahavidyalay, Sangli. M.S
  • S. A. Lendave Thin Film & Solar Studies Research Laboratory, Department of Physics (Appl. Elect.), Solapur University, Solapur
  • P. C. Pingale Thin Film & Solar Studies Research Laboratory, Department of Physics (Appl. Elect.), Solapur University, Solapur
  • R. V. Suryawanshi Thin Film & Solar Studies Research Laboratory, Department of Physics (Appl. Elect.), Solapur University, Solapur
  • B. R. Pirgonde Thin Film & Solar Studies Research Laboratory, Department of Physics (Appl. Elect.), Solapur University, Solapur



Photovoltaics, Electrochemical cells, n-Cd1-xCox S photosensing electode, Efficiency, Recombination centres


The Cd1-xCoxS (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5) thin films were deposited on chemomechanically and ultrasonically cleaned stainless steel substrates by a liquid phase chemical bath deposition technique. The preparative parameters, (viz. growth temperature (56°C), deposition time (80 minutes), reaction pH (11±0.2) and the rate of mechanical churning (70±2)) and deposition conditions were used as optimized previously. The electrode/electrolyte interfaces were then set up between the n-type Cd1-xCoxS (0 ≤ x < 0.5) photosensing electrodes and a sulphide/polysulphide (0.25 M ) redox electrolyte in H-shaped corning glass cells. A graphite rod treated in a cobalt sulphate solution for 24 hours was employed as a counter electrode. The as- fabricated cells were then characterized through the voltage-current and voltage-capacitance characteristics in dark, photovoltaic power output characteristics under constant illumination, and different responses of the cells to incident light. The PV performance parameters such open-circuit photopotential (Vph), short circuit photocurrent (Iph), series and shunt resistances (Rs & Rsh), efficiency (η), form factor (ff), dark ideality factor (nd), ideality factor under illumination(nL), built-in potential (ΦB), dark current (ID), the flat band potential(Vfb), junction capacitance under flat band condition (cj), cut off wavelength(λc) and photogenerated carrier life time(τ) were evaluated for various cells with a special emphasis given to the electrode composition (x). In general, photovoltaic output performance of the Cd1-XCoXS based electrochemical cell is improved after Co implantation (x=0.1) in CdS.


Journal of Nepal Chemical Society

Vol. 30, 2012

Page:  151-158

Uploaded date: 12/20/2013




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How to Cite

Deshmukh, L. P., Mane, S. T., Lendave, S. A., Pingale, P. C., Suryawanshi, R. V., & Pirgonde, B. R. (2013). Photovoltaic Studies of Cd1-xCoxS Based Electrochemical Cells. Journal of Nepal Chemical Society, 30, 151–158.


