Sonographic presentation acute hematometra and massive hematocolpos in a pubertal girl: A case report


  • Adam Moyosore Afodun Busitema University, Uganda
  • Victor Okoliko Ukwenya Federal University of Technology Akure, Nigeria
  • Khadijah Kofoworola Quadri University of Ilorin, Nigeria
  • Raymond Joseph Malinga Busitema University, Uganda
  • Octovius Ahimbisibwe Busitema University, Uganda
  • Julius Wandabwa Busitema University, Uganda



Hematocolpos, hematometra, hymen, ultrasound, virginity


Background: Imperforate hymen is an uncommon obstructive congenital anomaly of the female external reproductive channel due to lack of canalization (lower) vaginal plate between the vaginal and urogenital sinus; with a prevalence rate of less < 0.1%. Hematocolpos / imperforate hymen with heamatometra often presents as a pelvic mass that compresses the urinary bladder causing acute urine retention and pain.

Case presentation: A 14-year-old presented with lower abdominal pain for 5 months. Patient physical examination revealed normal secondary sexual characteristics with a thickened than normal hymen. She presented with delayed menarche; a physician earlier prescribed analgesic and anthelmintic medication for pain management. After conservative hymenotomy about 360ml of dark-tan haem (blood) was drained in few minutes. Postoperative recovery was uneventful; normal menstruation occurred after 4 weeks.  

Conclusion: Diagnosis through physical examination and ultrasound requires vigilance and a high degree of suspicion; virginity sparing is a viable treatment option due to social reasons and religious beliefs.


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Author Biographies

Adam Moyosore Afodun, Busitema University, Uganda

Senior Lecturer, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Faculty of Health Sciences

Victor Okoliko Ukwenya, Federal University of Technology Akure, Nigeria

Senior Lecturer, Department of Human Anatomy, School of Health and Health Technology

Khadijah Kofoworola Quadri, University of Ilorin, Nigeria

Scientist, Department of Physiology, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences

Raymond Joseph Malinga, Busitema University, Uganda

Orthopedic Surgeon and Lecturer, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Faculty of Health Sciences

Octovius Ahimbisibwe, Busitema University, Uganda

Scientist, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Faculty of Health Sciences

Julius Wandabwa, Busitema University, Uganda

Obstetrician & Gynecologist/ Dean, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Health Sciences




How to Cite

Afodun, A. M., Ukwenya, V. O., Quadri, K. K., Malinga, R. J., Ahimbisibwe, O., & Wandabwa, J. (2020). Sonographic presentation acute hematometra and massive hematocolpos in a pubertal girl: A case report. Journal of Biomedical Sciences, 7(2), 58–63.



Case Reports & Case Series