About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Tejganga Darpan is bi-annual multidisciplinary research journal published by Tejganga Multiple Campus, Kavrepalanchok, Nepal. It is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal. Each article published in the journal undergoes initial review by the research committee. The committee will further send it to the reviewer of related field. Both the reviewed paper and comments will be sent to the author and author will resend after addressing the comments by the reviewer.

The journal offers original, experience-based and empirical research-based articles from different discipline; language, literature, humanities, philosophy, politics, history and arts and music. Main purpose of this journal is to share experience and researched based innovative knowledge of both veteran and novice scholars. All research enthusiastic is highly encouraged to share their noble ideas through this invaluable platform. We accept fresh contents such as empirical research articles, book reviews and articles reviews for our publication.

Publication Frequency

Tejganga Darpan is published annually.

Open Access Policy

Tejganga Darpan provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

The articles in Tejganga Darpan are published under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC 4.0). This license enables reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator. 


Authors retain the copyright of their articles.

Peer Review Policy

Tejganga Darpan undergoes double-blind peer-review process. All the manuscripts are screened by Journal Editorial Board. Then, manuscripts are sent to the reviewer appointed by RMC, Tejganga Multiple Campus with review guidelines. The reviewer’s name and author’s name are not revealed to each other. The editorial board removes all the information that identifies the author to ensure double-blind peer-review process.  Maximum two weeks’ time line is given to each reviewer. After receiving the manuscripts from the reviewer, it is sent to the author with reviewer’s feedback/comments, requesting to submit within fifteen days addressing the reviewer’s comments. In the next phase, the editorial board revises the manuscripts for the uniformity in formatting before sending it to the publishing process.

Sources of Support

This journal is published by the Research Management Cell (RMC) of Tejganga Multiple Campus. The campus allocates annual budget for RMC. The RMC manages expenses to publish the Journal. However, the RMC accepts support from doner agencies and from individuals.


Tejganga Darpan is published by the Research Management Cell (RMC), Tejganga Multiple Campus, Panauti-8, Kavrepalanchok, Nepal.