About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Research Journal of Padmakanya Multiple Campus provides an intellectual and academic forum for researchers from multiple disciplinary fields of humanities, social sciences, management, education, media and communication, law, and sciences to share their innovative and thought-provoking ideas on the most challenging and debatable issues of the twenty first century.

Publication Frequency

RJPKMC is published annually.

Open Access Policy

Research Journal of Padmakanya Multiple Campus provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Authors are required to transfer their copyright to the RMC, Padma Kanya Multiple Campus.

Peer Review Policy

After the initial sorting is made by the editorial board, each manuscript is sent to two reviewers, experts on the concerned subject, for blind peer review, and that must be sent back with their feedback within 15 (fifteen) days. After that the further step of revising/rewriting of the paper by the author is prompted by the editorial board which must be completed by a given dead line, and then the editorial board takes the final decision of publication of the paper.

Subscription Rates for Hard Copies

Per copy Nrs. 300.00 (Individual)
Per copy Nrs. 400.00 (institution)
Per copy US$25.00


This publication holds entirely personal views and interpretations of the respective author(s). Hence, the responsibility for the contents and options expressed here rests solely with the author(s).


Research Journal of Padmakanya Multiple Campus is published by the Research Management Cell, Padma Kanya Multiple Campus, Bagbazaar, Kathmandu, Nepal.