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Nepal Journals Online (NepJOL) is a service to provide online publication of Nepalese journals. For more information about NepJOL and how to join the service, see the About page.
About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The Research Journal on Multi-disciplinary Issues is published to address the current issues in teaching learning fields as it focuses more on the articles aiming at updating the knowledge sharing in different disciplines. However, it also tends to incorporate the new findings of Science and Management areas and how they are applicable at present.
Publication Frequency
RJMI is published annually.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Price for Hard Copies
NRS. 300/- payable to RMC, JS Murarka Multiple Campus.
Peer Review Policy
The journal is a double blind peer reviewed journal. We have a team of fifteen reviewers. However, the number could be changed based on the type of the articles we have. Our reviewers are from various universities and institutions around the nation and abroad. We follow double blind peer review process in which both the author and reviewer are unknown to each other. One reviewer is involved per paper and it generally takes 7/8 weeks to review since we exchange the manuscript at least two times between the author and the reviewer. But sometimes we exchange the manuscript more than twice if the suggestions of the reviewer are not followed by the author and/ or the reviewer/editor is not satisfied with the author’s work. We have developed clear guidelines for authors as well as reviewers and we also provide that guidelines to the concerned ones at the time of ‘call for articles’ and to the reviewers at the time of review along with the article.
Sources of Support
J.S. Murarka Multiple Campus and the University Grants Commission.
The Research Journal on Multi-disciplinary Issues is published by the Research Management Cell of J.S. Murarka Multiple Campus, Lahan, Siraha, Nepal.