Resunga Journal रेसुङ्गा जर्नल 2024-05-17T07:41:46+00:00 Ramakanta Poudel Open Journal Systems <p>Resunga Journal रेसुङ्गा जर्नल is published by Resunga Multiple Campus, Resunga Municipality-01, Tamghas, Gulmi, Nepal. It accepts and promotes of the publication of research based and innovative topics that contribute to enhancing research culture and interests in faculties. It is published with the key aim of disseminating ideas, knowledge, issues, resolution and innovative teaching pedagogical skills for teaching-learning professional society.</p> वर्णविन्यासगत त्रुटि, कारण र समाधान 2024-05-15T07:04:32+00:00 भुवन अर्याल <p>उपलब्ध भएन</p> 2024-05-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Resunga Multiple Campus Professional Empowerment Strategies of Nepali English language Teacher: A grand Narrative 2024-05-15T07:08:55+00:00 Nilam Banjade <p>This present paper aimed to explore professional empowering strategies of secondary English language teachers using a grand narrative inquiry method. For this study, interview was used to gather the grand narratives of four English language teachers. The critical events from their sharing were taken as authentic information and analyzed using transformative lens. The findings show that language teachers have become professionally more conscious, optimistic, updated, and transformative to accept the dynamic settings of English language teaching through building connection with language associations, social media messenger, workshop, seminar, and collaboration and sharing for empowering their skill. The findings also showed that the teachers respect the voices of the learners as the sources of imparting teaching learning skills and knowledge for professional enrichment.</p> 2024-05-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Resunga Multiple Campus Globalization, Citizenship and Subjectivity in Modern Family: An Analysis of Community And Changes In The Last Generations. 2024-05-15T07:29:20+00:00 Gudanidhi Sharma <p class="Default" style="text-align: justify;">Basically, Bourdieu focuses on cultural capital is a major source of social inequality. The conflicts which take place in each social field have specific characteristics arising from those fields and that involve many social relationships which are not economic. Bourdieu developed a theory of the action, around the concept of habitus, which exerted a considerable influence in the social sciences. He introduces theoretical concepts habitus, practice, field, and different forms of capital, such as cultural, economic, social, and symbolic. While gender, class, ethnicity, culture, education, and the historical time period all shape an individual's habitus, what one does in everyday life is dynamic and fluid, like a jazz musician's improvisation on a theme. As we discussed on globalization, citizenship and subjectivity in the family through different generation, whether the globalization directly impact the family life and activities or families themselves have embodied own subjectivity to change interest, habitus and rationality. If we look from the eyes of Bourdieu or as a sociologist, we have to be skeptical of our social beliefs, cultures and should be reflexive.</p> 2024-05-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Resunga Multiple Campus A Review on Remittance and its Effect on Human Development in Developing Countries 2024-05-15T07:31:15+00:00 Ram Prasad Khanal <p class="Default" style="text-align: justify;">As a percentage of its GDP, Nepal is one of the nations that receive the most remittances worldwide. Remittance income in the context of developing countries like Nepal plays a significant role in determining the structure and dynamics of the entire economy. It also has an impact on important aspects of human development, including life expectancy at birth, the average number of years spent in school, and gross national income per person. The human development should be promoted in an economy because human beings are the end in each other without the need for any justification. Nonetheless, the link between remittances and human development in underdeveloped nations has received little research. Remittances also positively affect poverty, inequality, human capital, and life expectancy (Adams, 2011), especially in developing countries. This article reviewed the empirical evidence of ten different research article published in different journals after 2018 onwards to carry out the conclusion regarding the remittance and impact on human development.</p> 2024-05-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Resunga Multiple Campus Effects of Non-Performing Loan and Operational Efficiency on Profitability of Nepalese Commercial Banks 2024-05-15T07:35:00+00:00 Kamal Prasad Sharma <p>This study examines the effects of non-performing loan and operational efficiency on profitability of Nepalese commercial banks. Return on asset and return on equity are selected as the dependent variables. Similarly, loan to deposit ratio, capital adequacy, loan loss provision, non-performing loan, operating income and operating expenses are selected as the independent variables. This study is based on secondary data of 15 commercial banks with 105 observations for the study period from 2015/16 to 2021/22. The data were collected from Banking and Financial Statistics published by Nepal Rastra Bank(NRB), annual reports of the selected commercial banks and reports published by Ministry of Finance. The correlation coefficients and regression models are estimated to test the significance and importance of loan to deposit ratio, capital adequacy ratio, loan loss provision, and non-performing loan, operating income and operating expenses on the profitability of Nepalese commercial banks.</p> <p>The study showed that that loan loss provision ratio, non-performing loan ratio and capital adequacy ratio are the positive impact return on assets (ROA). It indicates that higher the loan loss provision ratio, non-performing loan ratio and capital adequacy ratio, higher would be the bank return on assets (ROA) of commercial banks in Nepal. Similarly, the study also shows that loan to deposit ratio, operating income ratio and operating expenses ratio have a negative impact on return on assets (ROA). It indicates that higher the loan to deposit ratio, operating income ratio and operating expenses ratio lower would be the return on assets of Nepalese commercial banks.</p> 2024-05-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Resunga Multiple Campus Analyzing the Determinants of Economic Growth in Nepal 2024-05-15T07:42:27+00:00 Khimananda Bhandari <p>This research provides a detailed examination of Nepal's economic growth, emphasizing the transition from agricultural to non-agricultural businesses, the adoption of policies to boost capital formation, and the macroeconomic challenges encountered. It identifies critical variables like the currency rate and technical advancements. The study aims to investigate the relationship between rising per capita GDP and the variables that impact it to uncover useful information about the forces that drive economic progress. Infrastructure development, human capital investment, political stability, macroeconomic stability, trade and investment, agricultural productivity, industrial development, natural resource management, financial inclusion, technological advancements, institutional quality, and global economic conditions are all important factors influencing Nepal's economic development. Their interdependent links have a considerable impact on the nation's economic trajectory, necessitating regular monitoring and evaluation. To ensure long-term and equitable economic development, policymakers must develop effective policies that include these complexities. Conducting a rigorous empirical inquiry is critical for understanding Nepal's unique situation and delivering policy recommendations. This study used an ex post facto research methodology to investigate the relationship between per capita GDP growth and numerous contributing factors.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-05-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Resunga Multiple Campus Mental Health Problems Faced by People in Gulmi District: A Case Study Report 2024-05-15T07:49:52+00:00 Shivlal Khanal <p>This article aims to determine the major mental health problems and their impact on human health and socio- economic condition of residents in Gulmi District. It explores individual’s thoughts, feelings, and experiences to gain insights into specific psychological phenomena. It also informs about the preventive measures to determine factors associated with it and improve health and quality of life for people affected by these conditions. This proposed research study consists of a description and an in-depth analysis of the ethics of the study.</p> 2024-05-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Resunga Multiple Campus थाक र थकाली जाति 2024-05-15T07:53:28+00:00 मुकुन्द भण्डारी <p>थाक र थकाली जाितको पहिचान गर्न थाक र थकाली जाति नामक शीर्षकमा तयार गरिएको प्रस्तुत आलेख प्राथमिक, द्वितीयक र तृतीयक स्रोतबाट सामग्री संकलन गरी वर्णनात्मक र अन्वेषणात्मक ढाँचामा तयार गरिएको छ । थकाली जाति कहाँबाट कहिले कसरी सातसय क्षेत्रमा बसोवास गर्न आए भनी खोजी गर्नु नै प्रमुख उद्देश्य हो । मुस्ताङ जिल्लाको थासाङ गाउँपालिकामा बसोबास गर्ने हिमाल पारि तिब्बतबाट आएका मंगोलियन मूलका आदिवासी जनजातिहरू नै थकाली हुन् । यिनीहरूको पितृ थलो थाक सातसय वा थाक खोला हो । न्यून जनसंख्या भएर पनि देशको शैक्षिक, सामाजिक, आर्थिक, राजनैतिक र धार्मिक क्षेत्रमा छुट्टै पहिचान बनाउन सफल हुनु थकाली जातिको विशिष्टता हो । पहिलेदेखि नैे थाक खोला क्षेत्रमा बसोवास गर्ने जातिलाई ढिमचन (शेरचन), च्योकी (गौचन), साल्की (तुलाचन) र प्हुर्की (भट्टचन) गरी परिचित गराउने प्रचलन रहेको छ । प्राचीन समयमा थाक खोला क्षेत्रमा दुईथरी थकाली थिए । मार्फाको ताम्रपत्रसहित अनेक पुराना लेखोटमा पुङ्ठी, थाग्सी वा पुन्तन थकाली भनेर स्पष्ट उल्लेख गरिएको छ । थकाली भन्ने परम्परा पर्वते मल्ल राजाको पालादेखि अर्थात लगभग ३०० वर्ष अघिदेखि नै चलेको हो । पुन्ड्याल थकालीको पहिलेको मूल थलो भएको ठाउँलाई पुन्डिग्युङ भनिन्छ । यस राजकूलमा जन्मेका सन्ततिलाई पुन्तन फोवेका नामले आजसम्म चिनिदै आएको छ । यिनैका सन्ततिलाई आज स्थानीय वासीले सली राजवंशका खानदानका रूपमा रहेको स्वीकार गरी हिराचन अन्तर्गतका प्याफोवे परिवारका रूपमा चित्रण गरेका छन् । विगत १० पुस्तादेखिका राजा र रानीका नाम र उनका चेली र ज्वाइँ समेतका नाम समेटिएका लिखत समेत अनुसन्धानका क्रममा फेला परेका छन् । यस म्हरफग–पुन्तन वा पुन्डी थकाली समुदायमा हिजो आज हिराचन , पन्नाचन, जुहारचन र लालचनलाई नामले चिनिने चार थरी थकाली छन् । दुवै थरी थकालीको आधार इलाका थाक र पाँच गाउँ वा युलङ भन्ने भौगोलिक स्थान नै हो । यस क्षेत्रका आदिवासी जनजातिहरूले एउटै भौगोलिक क्षेत्रमा पहिचान बनाएका वा एकै नामको दावी गर्ने साझा चिनारी जस्तो थकाली थर नाम प्रयोग गर्दै आएका छन् ।</p> 2024-05-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Resunga Multiple Campus Editorial 2024-05-14T10:58:21+00:00 Ramakanta Poudel <p>Not Available</p> 2024-05-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Resunga Multiple Campus