About the Journal
Aims and Scope
Many case studies and research works on Environmental Science related areas have been carried out by academic institutions all across the world. In this context, the Central Department of Environmental Science at Tribhuvan University has realized that documenting the findings of its students and that of its Faculties’ works as well as those of other institutions on related research topics will be a contribution to the knowledge-generating and sharing process. Thus, the Department has come up with the publication of Nepal Journal of Environmental Science (Nep J Environ Sci) as an attempt to participate in the above-mentioned missions.
Authors are required to transfer their copyright to the Central Department of Environmental Science, Tribhuvan University.
Peer-Review Process
Authors are requested to send the names of three potential reviewers at the submission of the articles. The names of reviewers are selected in the meeting of the editorial board. Two reviewers are assigned for each article. A double-blind peer-review process is practiced. Articles (without names of the authors) are sent to reviewers along with an evaluation sheet. In this context, reviewers are requested to review the paper and sent it within fifteen days. Looking after the reviewers' evaluation sheet, emails are sent to authors whether the paper is rejected or needs to be improved.
If manuscripts are submitted by the member(s) of the Editorial Team or publisher, the handling editors will be allocated who have not been an author/co-author to ensure unbiased review.
Plagiarism Check
The manuscripts submitted to the NJES for probable publication routinely goes under plagiarism check using iThenticate software provided by the Tribhuvan University.
Allegations of Misconduct
The manuscripts submitted for probable publication to the journal undergo a plagiarism check before sending them for peer review. The policies for identifying/dealing with allegations of misconduct, such as plagiarism, falsification/fabrication of data, will be dealt with by following the international standards such as COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).
The complaint can be submitted to the Editorial Office of the journal. The Editorial Team meeting will deal with the complaints and make decisions based on the international standards.
Publication Frequency
The NJES publishes two issues per year. Accepted articles will be made available online as soon as possible. The journal was published annually until 2020.
Subscription to Print Copies
Hard copies are charged as Rs.500 per volume. Subscription can be done through the publisher, Central Department of Environmental Science, Tribhuvan University.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its online content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
NJES is published by the Central Department of Environmental Science, Tribhuvan University.
Sources of Support
NJES is supported by the sale of hard copies and institutional funds from the Central Department of Environmental Science, Tribhuvan University. There are no charges for article handling and publication to the journal.