Medico Legal Cases in One Stop Crisis Management Center (OCMC) Kaski


  • Madan Prasad Baral Pokhara Academy of Health Sciences, Western Regional Hospital, Pokhara, Nepal



One Stop Crisis Management Centre, OCMC, Gender Based Violence, GBV, Medio legal case, sexual offence


Background: The OCMC (One stop crisis management center) has been established in the recognized government hospitals of Nepal. The OCMC has built coalition and create an organizational manage­ment system with other organizations for providing comprehensive health and treatment services, legal aid services, and counseling services and make cer­tain protection to the survivors of GBV (Gender based violence) as well as to manage and control GBV incident. Worldwide more than 119 countries have laws on domestic violence, 125 countries have laws on sexual pestering and 52 coun­tries have laws on marital rape but still women are suffering from different physical, sexual and Psy­chological violence. Rape, hurt/battery, Indecent as­sault, are the main forms of violence.

Materials and Methods: Study is conducted in Western regional Hospital Pokhara, in OCMC (One stop crisis management center). It is a cross-section­al type of study. Data collected by the observation, interview and case study from the survivors of vi­olence, available published materials related to women Violence and OCMC are also studied. Total 200 cases of GBV survivors came to OCMC center of Kaski from 2073Baisakh to 2074Ashad and included in the study as a primary source of data.

Conclusion and Result: Out of total 200 cases, sexual offence victims were maximum in number which was 140 and least were forced marriage vic­tim which were only 4 in number. More than 50% of dalit caste people were the survivors of GBV cases. GBV cases were predominant in age group of 20- 30 years. Maximum numbers of victims of GBV in sexual offence cases were alleged Rape cases which accounts 85% of total cases came to OCMC center.


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Author Biography

Madan Prasad Baral, Pokhara Academy of Health Sciences, Western Regional Hospital, Pokhara, Nepal

Department of Forensic Medicine





