About the Journal

Aims and Scope

The Molung Educational Frontier is a scholarly journal that focuses on contemporary studies and research on the issues of education, development, and social change. We have chosen these fields of study, realizing that in the changed context, it is important to contribute to enhancing the quality of education that we need for the nation's overall development and social change. It is also essential to understand that social change is possible only when educational bodies formulate the appropriate policies and implement them. This journal aims to promote knowledge and scholarship on the one hand and, on the other, raise awareness about the significance of quality education for sustainable development and social change.

However, the Editorial Board of this journal can develop the theme(s) on any relevant issues in the changing contexts.

Peer-Review Process

The articles submitted to the Editorial Board for publication are sent to the blind peer-review process. The manuscript writers and the reviewers remain anonymous.

When the peer reviewer sends back the reviewed version to the Editorial Board, it is sent back to the author for revision, if any.

Once the author revises the article per the reviewer's comments and suggestions, he/she submits both hard and soft copies of the final version of the manuscript to the Editorial Board.

Then the Editorial Board makes the final decision on whether to accept or reject the paper for publication.

The received and accepted dates are mentioned at the top of each article when published.

Publication Frequency

The Molung Education Frontier is published annually in June.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


The journal is published by the Molung Foundation.

Sources of Support

Molung Foundation provides the necessary expenses for publication. The Foundation raises funds by seeking research funds from the related government/ nongovernment bodies and/or agencies. It can also raise funds from an endowment from individuals and/or charitable organizations/institutions if necessary. Some of the amounts can be earned by selling the journal copies.

The Molung Educational Frontier aims to contribute to Molung Foundation, which has set its vision, mission, and goal as follows:


Molung Foundation (MF), named after a river flowing in the mid-eastern hills of Nepal, is a global association engaged in various programs and activities like research and policy analysis, expert services and awareness-raising, training, and capacity building in the relevant fields. It has carried out its works in different sectors since its inception, and its purposes for so doing are primarily to contribute to the development of effective methods for the formulation of public policy as well as development processes and to assist individuals and institutions in using their abilities to the best possible effect.

Molung Foundation (MF) is a not-for-profit-sharing company registered in the Office of the Company Registrar in 2010 under the existing laws. It is a social institution engaged in various academic activities of research, consulting services, and capacity building in the relevant fields.


Molung Foundation is envisioned as an excellent research institution in Nepal oriented to contribute to the development of a self-sustained and equitable society.


By 2030 MF will be a self-sustained vibrant research institution through hard work and dedicated professional engagement in research, consulting services, and capacity building with meaningful participation in socio-economic development in collaboration with the public sector.

Core Values

Molung Foundation being an apolitical institution, is committed to the values of:

  • Integrity
  • Impartiality
  • Professionalism
  • Diversity
  • Social inclusion


Molung Foundation is incorporated:

  • To contribute to the policy formulation in education, socio-economic development, social inclusion, indigenous community development, gender equality, and rights issues through extensive study and research
  • To strengthen the capacity of local community leaders, social/development workers, and professionals from various fields through skill-oriented capacity-building activities
  • To promote  the  spirit  of  partnership  and  cooperation  with  different  national  and international organizations through collective and/or joint initiatives relating to research, publication, and consulting services

The Foundation MF is a not-for-profit-sharing institution, unlike any other company that distributes the profit as a bonus to the shareholders. It is simply an agency that works mainly for the benefit of the general public. Funds raised for institutional activities are used solely to cover the essential costs of the MF works.

The Foundation publishes books and other educational materials based on research and creativity. One crucial task of the Foundation's various activities is to publish a scholarly journal based on original research.

At present, finance for the works has been provided as a grant by individuals involved in MF, government bodies, and nongovernment agencies worldwide. It also generates income from the sales of its publications such as books, journals, and magazines; it raises fees from those who want to build capacities by training facilities on a participation approach basis; it sells expert services in the national and international market.

This journal has appointed the Editorial Board and nominated the guest editors and advisory panel from within the country and also from abroad. The guest editors offer academic support in the related fields and also technical support regarding the quality of the journal. The Advisory Board supports the journal regarding ideas, concepts, and processes. There is a congenial institutional environment between the Foundation Board and the journal editorial team. It revises the editorial team and advisory panel as needed and within the existing laws and practices.

Subscription Rate for Print Copies

Single copy
Nepal (individual):      NRS 300.00
Nepal (institutional):   NRS 500.00
Abroad                       USD   30.00

There is no subscription for the electronic version on any website now. The full text is free online.

Molung Educational Frontier
ISSN 2542-2596