Kaumodaki: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies https://nepjol.info/index.php/kdk <p>Kaumodaki: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies is a peer-reviewed, open access journal published by the Research Management Cell, Vinduwasini Sanskrit Vidyapeeth (Campus), Nepal Sanskrit University, Pokhara, Nepal.</p> Nepal Sanskrit University en-US Kaumodaki: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies 2822-1567 <p>This license enables reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator.</p> न्यायवैशेषिकदर्शनयोर्मोक्षतत्त्वविमर्शः {The Salvation in the Ancient Logic} https://nepjol.info/index.php/kdk/article/view/64538 <p>पौरस्त्यचिन्तनानि मोक्षे पर्यवसन्नानि भवन्ति । अखिलान्यपि चिन्तनानि मोक्षार्थमेव प्रवत्र्तमानानि सन्ति राराजन्ते । पौरस्त्यचिन्तनेषु तत्र तत्र मोक्षकारणे तत्स्वरूपे च भेदस्तु सहजोऽपेक्ष्यश्च । न्यायवैशेषिकयोश्चिन्तने मोक्षतत्त्वं किंस्वरूपकम्, किञ्च तस्य कारणम्, कथञ्च तल्लब्धिरित्यादिकं प्रस्तुतस्य लघुप्रबन्धस्य समस्यात्वेन दृग्गोचरीभवति । तत्समाधानायाऽऽवश्यकसामग्रीसङ्कलनार्थं भूयसा प्रमाणेन पुस्तकालयाः प्रयुक्ताः । अथ च न्यूनाधिकतयाऽन्तर्जालादिकमप्यवालम्ब्यत । यथाऽऽवश्यकमवयवतत्त्वज्ञैः सह संवादादिकमपि&nbsp; विधाय सामग्रीसङ्कलनं व्यधायि । तदनु सङ्कलितसामग्रीर्विश्लिष्य &nbsp;प्रस्तुतशोधलेखसज्जीकरणार्थं गुणात्मकानुकूलःसमीक्षणात्मको विधिरवलम्बितः । मोक्षपदं मोक्षणमित्यर्थे घञि चौरादिकान्मोक्ष्धातुतो निष्पद्यते । मोक्षो नाम दुःखनिवृत्तिः । तत्र केचन चिन्तका मोक्षं दुःखस्याऽभावत्वेन प्रतिपादयन्ति चेत् केचन पुनः सुखरूपत्वेन । यद् वा तद्वा भवतु मोक्षे दुःखन्तु न केनाप्युरीक्रियते, अतस्समेषाञ्च चिन्तकानामैकमत्येन सर्वदुःखत आत्यन्तिकं मोचनमेव मोक्षः । वैदिकचिन्तने‘ऋते ज्ञानान्न मुक्तिः’ इत्याभाणकस्याऽतिरोहितत्वात्तत्त्वज्ञानस्यैव मोक्षहेतुत्वं प्रतिपादितं भवति । प्रसङ्गेऽत्र न्यायशास्त्रे प्रमाणादिषोडशपदार्थानां तत्त्वज्ञाने सति मोक्ष इति स्पष्टीकृतं चेद् वैशेषिके च द्रव्यादिपदार्थानां साधम्र्यवैधम्र्याभ्यां तत्त्वज्ञानादिति । तत्र उभयत्रापि मोक्षे दुःखनिवृत्तिरिति स्वीक्रियते । तत्र दुःखपदेन एकविंशतिधं दुःखं गृह्यते । जागतिकं सुखमपि तत्रैवान्तर्भवति । यद्यपि न्यायवैशेषिकयोर्मोक्षे सुखस्यापि अभावः प्रतिपाद्यते । परं तत्तु संसारगतमादाय, वस्तुतस्तु पारमार्थिकं सुखन्तु तत्रापि स्वीकत्र्तव्यमेव । यच्च नैयायिकप्रवरेण भासर्वज्ञेनाथ च तदवलम्बिभिर्बहुधा बहुशः प्रतिपादितो लभ्यते । न्याये मोक्षस्य कारणत्वेन ज्ञानस्यैव प्रतिपादितत्वेऽपि वैशेषिके तु सूक्ष्मविचारे कृते सति मोक्षार्थं ज्ञानकम्र्मसमुच्चयवादः पुरःस्थाप्यत इत्येव निष्कृष्टिः ।</p> केशवशरणोऽर्यालः Keshavsharan Aryal Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-04-09 2024-04-09 4 1 1 11 10.3126/kdk.v4i1.64538 काव्यमुखेन व्याकरणरचनापरम्पराया अनुशीलनम् {A Study of Sanskrit Grammar Tradition Through Poetry} https://nepjol.info/index.php/kdk/article/view/64540 <p>वैदिकवाङ्मये पुराणादौ च काव्यमाध्यमेन व्याकरणरचनापरम्परायाः मार्गदर्शकाः शास्त्रकाव्यत्वेन प्रथिताः कृतयः कात्स्न्र्येन नोपलभ्यन्ते । श्रुतौ आंशिकरूपेण पुराणादौ चानुषङ्गिकरूपेण व्याकरणस्य विषयाः पद्येनानुस्यूता वर्तन्ते । अस्मिन्नालेखे काव्यमाध्यमेन संस्कृतव्याकरणरचनापरम्पराया उपजीव्यविषया वेदे मिलन्तीति निर्धारणं विधाय तेषां संक्षेपेण विश्लेषणं कृतमस्ति । पुराणेषु प्रोक्ता काव्यमुखेन व्याकरणनिर्माणपरम्पराया अवस्थितिरत्र गवेषिताऽस्ति । अग्निपुराणे व्याकरणसम्बद्धाः कति अध्यायाः प्रोक्ताः सन्ति, संज्ञाविषये सन्धिविषये च कीदृशं व्याख्यानं मिलति, विभक्तिः कतिधा भवति, रूपचालनप्रक्रिया कीदृशी एतासां जिज्ञासानां समाधानं प्रस्तुतमस्ति । काव्यमुखेन व्याकरणनिर्माणपरम्पराया अनुशीलनक्रमे बृहन्नारदीयपुराणे पद्येन रचिता लादेशादिनियामका व्याकरणविषया विमृष्टाः सन्ति । महागरुडपुराणे लिखितानां सिद्धशब्दज्ञानाय कल्पितानां विषयाणामनुशीलनं कृत्वा भविष्यपुराणे प्रोक्तविषयाणा संक्षिप्तविश्लेषणं विहितं वर्तते । काव्यमुखेन व्याकरणकाव्यकर्तारः कवयः के के वर्तन्ते, तैः कीदृशा ग्रन्था विरचिताः सन्ति, पाणिनिना विरचिते जाम्बवतीविजयकाव्ये व्याकरणसम्बद्धाः कीदृशो विषया सन्यस्ताः, बलचरितकाव्यस्य संक्षिप्तरिचयः कीदृग् वर्तते, एषां विषयाणां गवेषणं विश्लेषणञ्चात्र निष्पादितम्। वररुचिना प्रणीते स्वर्गारोहणकाव्ये शेषावतारेण पतञ्जलिना रचिते महानन्दककाव्ये च वर्णितानां विषयाणामन्वेषणविश्लेषणेऽत्र स्तः । रावणार्जुनीयकाव्ये लिखितानां भट्टिकाव्येच काव्यमुखेन वर्णितानां व्याकरणविषयाणामध्ययनमत्र विहितं वर्तते । एवमेव प्रस्तुतोऽयं लेखो व्याकरणविषयमवलम्ब्य काव्यमाध्यमेन रचितानां कविरहस्यम्, कुमारपालचरितम्, सुभद्राहरणम्, वासुदेवविजयम्, धातुकाव्यमित्येतेषां व्याकरणकाव्यमूलकानां ग्रन्थनामनुशीलने विश्लेषणे च केन्द्रितो वर्तते । काव्यमाध्यमेन संस्कृतव्याकरणनिर्माणपरम्परा कीदृशी आसीदिति जिज्ञासासमाधाने प्रकृतमध्ययनं उपयोगि वर्तते । उपर्युक्तग्रन्थेषु प्रतिपादितविषयाणां पौर्वापर्यरूपेणाध्ययनाय समीक्षणाय चायमालेख उपकारकंो भविष्यति ।</p> भानुभक्त Bhanubhakta आचार्यः Acharya Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-04-09 2024-04-09 4 1 12 23 10.3126/kdk.v4i1.64540 मतान्तरालोचनपुरस्सरं वैयाकरणमते धात्वर्थानुशीलनम् {Eastern Grammarians' Concerns of the Meaning of Root Words} https://nepjol.info/index.php/kdk/article/view/64543 <p>प्रस्तुतोऽयमालेखो मतान्तरालोचनपूर्वकं वैयाकरणमते धात्वर्थानुशीलने केन्द्रितोऽस्ति । सकलव्युत्पत्तेर्बीजभूतत्वात् सर्वशब्दमूलको धातुर्वर्तते । शब्दशास्त्रस्य सार्थक्यानुशीलनं कुर्वाणाः प्राच्यार्वाचीनाः शाब्दिकाः पाणिनि (त्रिमुनि) व्याकरणाधीनाः। अत्र च शोधशीर्षकघटकमतान्तरपदेन स्वेतराणां नैयायिकानां मीमांसकानाञ्च मतानि क्रोडीकृतानि सन्ति । तेषां मते धात्वर्थः फलमात्रं आहोस्वित् व्यापारश्च कः? एकतरमते शाब्दबोधे किमभिन्नं भिन्नं वा, अपि च मीमांसकानां मते प्रभाकरस्य कुमारिलभट्टस्य च भावनाप्रधाने शाब्दीभावनाया आर्थीभावानायाश्च भेदद्वयं दृश्यते तयोश्च व्यापाररूपत्वं हृदि निधाय समापतितानां दोषाणां प्रदर्शनपूर्वकं नैयायिकाः किं विवदन्ते तद्दोषवारणाय कौण्डभट्टमतस्योत्तररूपेण ”फलव्यापारयोर्धातु राश्रये तु तिङः स्मृतः............... इति कारिकामुररीकृत्य धात्वर्थः कः ? व्यापारः कः ? फलञ्च किम्? फलमात्रस्वीकारे को दोषः,भावनामुख्यविषयभूतानां प्रभाकरमीमांसकानां मते व्यापारमात्रं धात्वर्थस्वीकारे शाब्दबोधरूपपरिनिष्ठितलक्ष्ये को व्यात्यासः, वैयाकरणेष्वपि नागेशभट्टस्य किञ्चिद् भिन्नं मतं दृश्यते तदपि दृग्गोचरीकृत्य परिवेषणमस्यानुसन्धानकार्यस्य विषयो विद्यते । तद्यथा—</p> <p>फलव्यापारयोर्धातुराश्रये तु तिङः स्मृतः ।</p> <p>फले प्रधानं व्यापारस्तिङर्थस्तु विशेषणम्। (कौण्डभट्ट, वि.सं २०४५ पृ.सं ७)</p> <p>फलव्यापारयोः, इत्यत्र सप्तम्या विभक्तेः, निरूपितत्वमर्थः, अर्थात् फलनिष्ठं व्यापारनिष्ठञ्च यद् वाच्यं तन्निरूपितवाचकतावत्वं धातौ वर्तते । अत्र द्विवचनदर्शनेन च फले व्यापारे च धातोः पृथक् पृथक् शक्तिः सिद्ध्यति । अस्मिन् स्थले फलावच्छिन्ने व्यापारे एकैव विशिष्टा शक्तिरिति स्वीकारे तण्डुलान् पचतीत्यादौ तुण्डुलानाम्, चैत्रेण, तण्डुलाः पच्यन्ते इत्यादौ व्यापारे चैत्रस्य च अन्वयो न स्यात् “पदार्थः पदार्थेनाऽन्वेति न तु पदार्थैकदेशेन” इति नियमात्। तस्मात् एकवृन्तगतफलद्वय— फलत्रितयादि —न्यायेन फले व्यापारेच सर्वेषां धातूनां भिन्ना भिन्ना शक्तिरिति सिद्ध्यति । फले व्यापारे च धातुपदस्य द्विधा त्रिधा शक्तिः । तिङर्थास्तु आश्रयाः, फलाश्रया व्यापाराश्रया इति । अत्र फलापेक्षया व्यापारः प्रधानः, तिङर्थोः धात्वर्थे विशेषणं स्मृतः । अत्र च एकशेषेण स्मृताश्च स्मृतश्च इति स्मृताः । अतः फलव्यापारयोर्धातुःस्मृतः, आश्रये तु तिङर्थाः स्मृता इत्यत्र बहुत्वं च सङ्गच्छते । अत्र जरन्नैयायिकानां मीमांसकानामभिनवानाञ्च दार्शनीकानां मतमन्थनेन सुप्रसिद्धस्य धात्वर्थस्य समालोचनमत्र वरीवर्ति ।</p> भोलानारायण Bholanarayan रेग्मी Regmi Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-04-09 2024-04-09 4 1 24 34 10.3126/kdk.v4i1.64543 Negative Capability in Keats’s “Ode to Autumn” https://nepjol.info/index.php/kdk/article/view/64550 <p>This paper examines and analyzes the ideations of negative capability postulated by Keats in his “Ode to Autumn”. His negative capability embraces uncertainty, doubt, and ambiguity in poetry, without seeking to impose rational explanations or resolutions. He employs the third- person narration, depersonalized imagery, universal themes, and avoids using personal pronouns in writing the odes. These aspects expose his fundamental concept of negative capability because he desires to remain in doubt, uncertainty, and mysteries by the process of depersonalization of the authorship. He explicates the true nature of beauty in his “Ode to Autumn”. He embraces the mystery and complexity of the ripening of fruits like grapes, apples, gourd and hazelnuts. The bee-hives are filled with honey. The season embodies the contrasting qualities with their harmonious coexistence. Keats explores the occupations of autumn. The season performs various activities in the form of a reaper, a winnower, a gleaner and a cider –presser. Keats juxtaposes the activities of life as well as the passivity/ death in these occupations. He introduces the songs of autumn. The mournful sounds of the gnats, the bleating of the lambs, the singing of the crickets, the whistling of the redbreast and the twittering of the swallows offer the music of autumn. The ambiguities of the abundance and the decline in these songs reflect the cyclical nature of the autumn season. This paper applies the dynamics of the qualitative approach, with an interpretive research design to unveil the beauty of the autumn season.</p> Churamoni Kandel Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-04-09 2024-04-09 4 1 35 44 10.3126/kdk.v4i1.64550 Ecological Existentialism in Echoes: Existence of Human Life and Nature https://nepjol.info/index.php/kdk/article/view/64552 <p>This research article delves into the philosophical foundations of the novel, <em>Echoes</em>, which centers on the central character’s pursuit, as a teacher, of goodness over greatness and his existential quest for meaning. With the objective of examining the novel’s themes and narrative structure from eco-existential point of view, the study investigates the principles of ecological existentialism and the interplay between human existence and the natural world. Central to this exploration, as the research questions, are the concepts of solitude, freedom, and Karma, which the author employs to advocate for existentialism within an ecological framework. By employing ecocriticism and existentialism as theoretical lenses, the article elucidates how the novel portrays the co-existential relationship between humanity and ecology, emphasizing human responsibility and the freedom to imbue life with meaning. This analysis is significant in fostering environmental values and highlighting the interconnectedness of human existence and the natural environment. The study underscores the novel’s potential to illuminate paths towards ecological harmony and deepen understanding of existential philosophy, particularly as it pertains to questions of individuality, freedom, and the search for meaning in the context of environmental ethics. Ultimately, it advocates for a holistic approach to existence that acknowledges the profound influence of ecological factors on human life and underscores the importance of aligning existential values with environmental stewardship.</p> Keshav Raj Chalise Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-04-09 2024-04-09 4 1 45 54 10.3126/kdk.v4i1.64552 Human and Nature Interactions in Kesar Lall’s Folk Tales from Nepal: An Eco-Critical Reading https://nepjol.info/index.php/kdk/article/view/64555 <p>Folktales are traditional stories orally handed down to the succeeding generations. They portray the co-existence and collaborations of humans, non-human characters and environments. This study explores the relations and interactions of humans, non-humans and nature in Kesar Lall’s Folk Tales from Nepal: The Origins of Alcohol and other Stories from ecocritical perspective. It has used ecocriticism as a theoretical tool. It is a library and qualitative research. The main finding of this study portrays the association and interactions among humans, non-humans and nature. The attitude of humans exploits the biological and physical environment for the sake of humans. Humans have hostile relations with non­­-humans like ogre in the natural world. The folktales demonstrate metamorphosis nature of gods and nagas. They portray the death of human beings as the natural process. They have abundant evidences of environments, and they transfer the value of ecological wisdom more to the readers. This study increases the environmental literacy of youths and expands the Nepali folktales to English speaking communities.</p> Mahendra Kumar Budhathoki Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-04-09 2024-04-09 4 1 55 64 10.3126/kdk.v4i1.64555 Samrat Upadhyay’s “During the Festival”: A Psychoanalytic-Feminist Exploration of Desire https://nepjol.info/index.php/kdk/article/view/64562 <p>This research delves into Samrat Upadhyay’s short story “During the Festival,” collected in&nbsp; Arresting God in Kathmandu, examines the innate impulses shared by humans and animals within the modern Nepali society. Through a psychoanalytic-feminist theoretical framework, the study critically uncovers the subconscious projections of characters like Ganesh, revealing the complex dynamics of jealousy, sexuality, and familial relationships. Ganesh’s jealousy towards his wife’s emotional relationship with a young man in the neighbourhood reflects deeper insecurities about sexuality and societal norms and values in Nepal, while the neighbour’s displacement of his wife with his mother exposes the unresolved and conflicting issues stemming from the childhood experiences. Drawing on psychoanalytic principles, the analysis explores the themes of infantile fears and psychical metamorphosis, shedding light on the intricate interplay between individual psyche and societal constructs. By dissecting the text’s intrinsic characters and unconscious desires, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of human nature and societal complexities in Nepali literature.</p> Shyam Prasad Poudel Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-04-09 2024-04-09 4 1 65 74 10.3126/kdk.v4i1.64562 Rudyard Kipling’s Oriental Perspective and Representation in Kim https://nepjol.info/index.php/kdk/article/view/64563 <p>Rudyard Kipling has been judged as an advocate of imperialism in his novels, particularly in <em>Kim</em>, where he implies the message that the Britishers are the finest race to rule the land they have colonized. He has set his novel in India from the colonial and oriental perspectives. This research article, in general, is a study and analysis on what oriental perspectives Kipling has represented in his description of the land and characterization of the Indian people and how he has shown English superiority on them in the novel. The research is based on primary and secondary data. Discussion and analysis of the data are carried out through inducting reasoning, applying the post-colonial perspective of Orientalism propounded by Edward Said in his book Orientalism. This paper particularly attempts to interpret the way Kipling has characterized the protagonist, and the way he has depicted socio-cultural and geopolitical contexts through which the colonial message of English superiority upon colonized land and peoples is conveyed. The finding shows that Kipling has shaped the protagonist, an Irish boy under fifteen, as an able English personality to influence, control, dominate and lead Indian natives in many occasions. He has been presented as decisive role player upon the natives he is associated with. The protagonist’s presence in the novel gives the colonial message that India and Indians are still unable to rule themselves well and save their land from their enemies. Therefore, they need English people to rule the country for their prosperity and protection.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Yog Raj Paudel Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-04-09 2024-04-09 4 1 75 84 10.3126/kdk.v4i1.64563 Euclid’s Algorithm and its Role in Solving Modular Multiplicative Inverse https://nepjol.info/index.php/kdk/article/view/64567 <p>In this article, the prime motivation is to demonstrate how calculating modular multiplicative inverse can be simplified computationally with the help of Euclid’s algorithm, which is usually attributed to finding the Greatest Common Divisor.</p> Dev Raj Kandel Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-04-09 2024-04-09 4 1 85 95 10.3126/kdk.v4i1.64567 Role of Earliest Arrival Flow in an Evacuation Network https://nepjol.info/index.php/kdk/article/view/64568 <p>Traffic route guidance, destination optimization, and optimal route choice are some of the approaches to accelerate the evacuation process of transit-based evacuation problems. Their effectiveness depends upon the evacuee arrival patterns at the pickup locations and their assignment in an appropriate way to the resources in the network. The arrival patterns of the evacuees at different pickup locations might be a constant or random variable, deterministic or stochastic, time-dependent, or flow-dependent, or can be categorized either way. In this work, we are focused on the collections of evacuees at the pickup locations from the danger zone in the earliest arrival flow patterns, which can be further assigned to the transit vehicles in the integrated evacuation network by treating such pickup locations as the sources for the subsequent process to minimize the overall network clearance time from the danger zone to the safety.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Iswar Mani Adhikari Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-04-09 2024-04-09 4 1 96 103 10.3126/kdk.v4i1.64568 जयभुँडी सङ्ग्रहका निबन्धमा आख्यानात्मकता {The Narratives in Jayabhundi, an Essay Collection} https://nepjol.info/index.php/kdk/article/view/64570 <p>प्रस्तुत अनुसन्धानात्मक लेखमा नेपाली साहित्यमा हास्यव्यङ्ग्य निबन्धकारका रूपमा परिचित भैरव अर्याल (१९९३–२०३३) को जयभुँडी (२०२२) मा सङ्गृहीत निबन्धहरूको आख्यानात्मकताका आधारमा विश्लेषण गरिएको छ । प्रस्तुत सङ्ग्रहमा दसवटा निबन्ध रहेका भए पनि आख्यानका दृष्टिले आठवटा मात्र विश्लेषणीय देखिएकाले आठवटा निबन्धको मात्र विश्लेषण गरिएको छ । गुणात्मक प्रकृतिको यस अध्ययनमा जयभुँडी सङ्ग्रहलाई प्राथमिक स्रोतसामग्रीका रूपमा लिइएको छ भने आख्यानको मान्यतासँग सम्बन्धित सामग्रीलाई द्वितीयक स्रोतका रूपमा उपयोग गरिएको छ । विश्लेषणात्मक विधिमा आधारित यस अध्ययनमा आख्यानयुक्त अंश उद्धरण गरी निबन्धको व्याख्या गरिएको छ । निबन्धमा प्रयोग गरिने आख्यान कथा र उपन्यासको जस्तो आद्यन्त पूर्ण नहुनेर यसलाई निबन्ध लेखनको एक शैलीका रूपमा मात्र प्रयोग गरिने हुँदा प्रस्तुत आलेखमा पनि यस किसिमको आख्यानात्मक शैलीले निबन्धलाई रोचक र प्रभावकारी बनाउन कस्तो भूमिका खेलेको छ भनी अध्ययन गरिएको छ । अध्ययनका क्रममा अर्यालका केही निबन्धमा आंशिक र केहीमा पूर्ण रूपमा आख्यानको प्रयोग गरिएको पाइएकोर आख्यानको मात्रा जति भए पनि उनका आख्यानात्मक शैलीमा लेखिएका प्रस्तुत सङ्ग्रहका निबन्ध पात्र, परिवेश, कथानक आदि दृष्टिले मौलिक, स्तरीय र रोचक भएको निष्कर्ष निकालिएको छ ।</p> एकनारायण Eknarayan पौड्याल Paudyal Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-04-09 2024-04-09 4 1 104 114 10.3126/kdk.v4i1.64570 स्याङ्जाली मुक्तकका समकालीन प्रवृत्ति {Contemporary Trends in the Syngjali Muktak} https://nepjol.info/index.php/kdk/article/view/64571 <p>प्रस्तुत आलेख स्याङ्जाली मुक्तककारका समकालीन मुक्तकका प्रवृत्तिको विश्लेषणसँग सम्बन्धित छ । कविताको लघुतम् आयाममा प्रकट हुने मुक्तक लेखनमा नेपाली कविताले नयाँ मोड लिएको २०३६ सालको सडककविता क्रान्तिपछि स्याङ्जाली मुक्तक लेखनमा के कस्ता प्रवृत्ति देखा परे भन्ने मूल समस्यामा आलेख केन्द्रित छ । नेपाली कविताका विभिन्न कालमध्ये आधुनिक कालको समसामयिक धाराको समय नै समकालीन स्याङ्जाली मुक्तकका प्रवृत्ति अध्ययनको आधार हो । आलेखमा यसै चरणका मुक्तकलाई प्राथमिक स्रोत सामग्री र स्याङ्जाली मुक्तकका समकालीन प्रवृत्तिबारे विश्लेषण गरिएका विविध सामग्रीलाई द्वितीय स्रोत सामग्रीका रूपमा उपयोग गरिएको छ । गुणात्मक अनुसन्धान ढाँचामा केन्द्रित रहेर तयार पारिएको आलेखमा सूक्ष्म पठन तथा विश्लेषण विधि प्रयोग गरी अनुसन्धानलाई अगाडि बढाइएको छ । अध्ययनबाट राजनीतिक अव्यवस्थाको चित्रण, जीवनवादी चेतना, प्रेम पक्षको अभिव्यक्ति, विकृति विसङ्गतिको चित्रण र सामाजिक यथार्थको चित्रण स्याङ्जाली मुक्तकका समकालीन प्रवृत्ति रहेको निष्कर्ष निकालिएको छ । यस चरणका स्याङ्जाली मुक्तकले समसामयिक यथार्थलाई अभिव्यक्त गरेकाले स्याङ्जाली मुक्तकको समकालीन प्रवृत्तिलाई यथार्थवादी मुक्तक लेखनको चरणका रूपमा स्थापित गर्ने निष्कर्ष नै आलेखको प्राप्ति हो ।</p> गौतम Gautam रानाभाट Ranabhat Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-04-09 2024-04-09 4 1 115 127 10.3126/kdk.v4i1.64571 ऋतुविचार काव्यमा प्रस्तुत अद्वैत चिन्तन {Vedantic Philosophy in Hrituvichar} https://nepjol.info/index.php/kdk/article/view/64572 <p>यस अनुसन्धानात्मक लेखमा प्रकृतिपरक काव्य ‘ऋतुविचार’मा प्रस्तुत अद्वैत चिन्तनको विश्लेषण गरिएको छ । शङ्कराचार्यद्वारा प्रतिपादित अद्वैत वेदान्त दर्शनका मूल्यमान्यताहरू प्रकृतिपरक भाव अँगालेको ऋतुविचारका कतिपय सन्दर्भमा प्रस्तुत भएका छन् । काव्यमा अद्वैत चिन्तन कसरी प्रस्तुत गरिएको छ? भन्ने समस्यालाइ साङ्गपाङ्ग रूपमा निरूपण गरी पुष्टि गर्नु यस लेखको उद्देश्य रहेकोछ । शङ्कराचार्यले अद्वैत वेदान्त दर्शनमा प्रस्तुत गरेको ब्रह्म सत्य हो; योभन्दा भिन्न केही छैन र ब्रह्मज्ञान विना मोक्ष प्राप्त गर्न सकिँदैन भन्ने चिन्तनलाई यस खण्डकाव्यमा प्रस्तुत गरेको निष्कष् दिइएको छ । काव्यमा जीवभावका कारण जीवले व्यावहारिक सत्ता जगत्लाई सत्य मान्दा जीवका व्यवहारहरू प्रभावित हुने देखाइएको छ । मायाका कारण भ्रमित भई क्षणिक आनन्दको पछि लाग्दा सांसारिक विषयमोहमा परेर जीव बन्धनमा पर्ने काव्यमा उल्लेख छ । योग र वेद वाक्यबाट प्राप्त भएको तŒवज्ञानबाटै ब्रह्मसाक्षात्कार हुनेर जीवले मोक्ष प्राप्त गर्ने सन्दर्भ काव्यमा रहेको यस लेखमा निष्कर्ष दिइएको छ । पुस्तकालयीय कार्यका आधारमा प्राथमिक र द्वितीय स्रोतका सामग्री सङ्कलन गरी उद्देश्यमूलक नमुना छनौट पद्धतिलाई अवलम्बन गरेर ‘ऋतुविचार’ काव्यलाई चयन गरिएको छ । अद्वैत वेदान्त चिन्तनका मूलभूत मान्यताहरूलाई विश्लेषणको आधार मान्दै काव्यांशहरूको दृष्टान्तमार्फत निगमनात्मक एवम् व्याख्या विधिका माध्यमबाट काव्यमा प्रस्तुत अद्वैत चिन्तनको विश्लेषण गरिएको छ । यो अनुसन्धानात्मक लेख मूलतः एपिए पद्धतिमा आधारित छ । जीवभावका कारण जीवमा परेको प्रभाव र ब्रह्मज्ञानपछि प्राप्त हुने मोक्ष चिन्तनजस्ता अद्वैत वेदान्त दर्शनसँग सम्बन्धित चिन्तनहरू यस काव्यमा प्रस्तुत भएको यस लेखमा स्पष्ट पारिएको छ ।</p> बोधराज Bodha Raj ढकाल Dhakal Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-04-09 2024-04-09 4 1 128 137 10.3126/kdk.v4i1.64572 ‘खेल’ कथाको समाजभाषिक विश्लेषण {Sociolinguistic Analysis of 'Khel'} https://nepjol.info/index.php/kdk/article/view/64574 <p>समकालीन कथाकार रामलाल जोशीद्वारा लिखित ‘खेल’ कथालाई बहुलवादी कोणबाट हेर्न सकिन्छ । यस सन्दर्भमा प्रस्तुत कथालाई यहाँ समाज भाषा वैज्ञानिक प्रतिमानका आधारमा विश्लेषण गरिएको छ । ‘खेल’ कथालाई समाज भाषा वैज्ञानिक कोणबाट निरूपण गर्न प्रस्तुत अध्ययनको उद्देश्य हो । यसका लागि गुणात्मक कृतिपरक अनुसन्धान ढाँचा, व्याख्यावादी दर्शन र समाजभाषिक सिद्धान्तलाई आधार बनाइएको छ । अध्ययनमा पुस्तकालयीय कार्यबाट प्राथमिक र द्वितीयक स्रोतका तथ्याङ्क सङ्कलन गरी तिनलाई समाज भाषा वैज्ञानिक सिद्धान्तका आधारमा निरूपण गरिएको छ । भाषिक समुदाय, बोलीको जातित्व, भाषा र समाजको सम्बन्ध, कोड मिश्रण, सांस्कृतिकता, भाषिका आदि तथ्याङ्क विश्लेषणका आधार हुन् । प्राप्त तथ्याङ्कका आधारमा कथामा सुदूर पश्चिमेली भाषिक समुदायको प्रतिबिम्बन पाइन्छ । सामाजिक संरचनाको प्रभाव भाषामा भेटिन्छ । भाषामा नातासम्बन्धी विविधता र भाषिक व्यवहारगत अनेकताको स्वरूप देखिन्छ । खुसीले उफ्रँदा, कराउँदा, रिसाउँदा, प्रश्न गर्दा, धिक्कार्दा, उपदेश दिँदा भाषामा सामाजिक प्रभाव भेटिन्छ । कथामा बाल, वयस्क, ग्रामीण, मौलिक, स्थानीय भाषाको विविधता भेट्न सकिन्छ । स्थानीय संस्कृति र त्यसको भाषिक प्रभावले कथा जीवन्त बन्न पुगेको छ । यिनै आधारमा नेपाली कथाको विकास यात्रामा प्रस्तुत कथाले विशिष्ट पहिचान कायम राख्न सफल देखिन्छ ।</p> विष्णुप्रसाद Bishnu Prasad शर्मा Sharma Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-04-09 2024-04-09 4 1 138 148 10.3126/kdk.v4i1.64574 The China-US Economic Relationship in the Early 21st Century https://nepjol.info/index.php/kdk/article/view/64575 <p>China and the United States are two major economic powers that are currently engaged in trade and are using different strategies to enhance their bilateral relations. The main objective of this research is to analyze the policies and activities that these nations are using to promote and advance their trade relations, which will likely result in financial and political benefits in the long run. This investigation is primarily based on secondary sources such as scientific and scholarly journals, research papers, books, and articles related to the topic at hand. The study comprehensively explores a variety of factors impacting trade relations between China and the United States. This includes examining bilateral treaties, one-phase agreements, the Belt and Road Initiative, the Australia, UK, and US Security Pact, policies aimed at achieving competitive advantage, as well as cooperation in addressing regional and global issues to promote trade relations between the two countries. The trade conflict between the two countries is very serious. According to the study, China and the US pursue many comprehensive and conventional barriers, such as a lack of registered goods in each nation, a rise in trade imbalance, tax disparities, a lack of business ties, the Quad, the conflict in the South China Sea, bilaterally sensitive issues, the Taiwan dispute, and environmental conditions and policies. If both countries could solve these problems then relations between the two countries would be improved in the 21st century.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Sayedur Rahman Ummea Asma Sultana Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-04-09 2024-04-09 4 1 149 163 10.3126/kdk.v4i1.64575 Nepal’s Performance in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals: A Critical Evaluation https://nepjol.info/index.php/kdk/article/view/64576 <p>This study focuses on the agenda of UN conference to be achieved by 2030. The main objective of the study is to assess the sustainable development goals achieved by Nepal in different points of time and its work progress made by Nepal. Based on the qualitative as well as descriptive method, this study explores the localization of sustainable development goals in the context of Nepal. It has found out 17 goals, out of which Nepal has made high performance in goals 5, 12 and 13 and doing satisfactory progress in other goals like 4, 6 and 1, respectively. However, the country is surpassing through the difficult situations in order to achieve the goals by the timeframe. Nepal has added more indicators to localize sustainable development goals in the context of the country. The post covid-19, natural disaster and nation’s internal political instability, political commitment and insufficient resources are considered hindrances in achieving the declared goals.</p> Ram Kumar Pant Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-04-09 2024-04-09 4 1 164 176 10.3126/kdk.v4i1.64576