About the Journal

 Focus and Scope

Journal of Science and Technology assimilates the recent research trends and research carried out by the academic scholars, faculty members and professional researchers from Industry. It will prove to be a valuable resource for academic and professional researchers involved in various sectors pertaining to the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Engineering.

Publication Frequency

Journal of Science and Technology publishes two issues a year.

Open Access Policy

Journal of Science and Technology provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Authors are required to transfer their copyright to Nepal College of Information Technology.

Peer Review Process

The papers are sent to the reviewers for a blind review.

The feedback from the reviewers is scrutinized, and the research committee of Nepal College of Information Technology makes the decision regarding the acceptance of the paper The entire process takes about one month.

Sources of Support

Nepal College of Information Technology provides full funding for the journal publication.


The Journal of Science and Technology is published by the Nepal College of Information Technology (NCIT) (affiliated to Pokhara University), Balkumari, Lalitpur, Nepal.