Intellectual Inception: A Multidisciplinary Research Journal of Bhojpur Campus <p>Intellectual Inception: A Multidisciplinary Research Journal of Bhojpur Campus is published by the Research Management Cell of Bhojpur Multiple Campus, Bhojpur, Nepal. The major focus of this journal is the production of knowledge and knowledge transformation. It publishes research articles with multidisciplinary issues. The articles emphasize on national and international importance that may contribute to changing and developing the society.</p> Bhojpur Multiple Campus en-US Intellectual Inception: A Multidisciplinary Research Journal of Bhojpur Campus 2990-7934 Youth and Abuse of Substances <p>The following comprehensive and thorough literature review focuses on Youth and Abuse of Substances. More specifically, this study describes in twenty first century youth are more into abuse of substances, the types of substances described in the currently available literature, the various existing prevention and treatment programs, factors which have been attributed to youth and abuse of substances, and focuses on areas in this field that need further research. More complaint of this study is to focuses on youth mental health and motivation towards abuse of substances. Secondary sources were utilized, providing a complete picture of the ever-growing challenge of youth and abuse of substances. This study shall then conclude with the author’s personal integration of this information, and how this information can potentially benefit professionals working with peripheral population.</p> Chetan Khadka Copyright (c) 2023 Intellectual Inception: A Multidisciplinary Research Journal of Bhojpur Campus 2023-07-01 2023-07-01 1 1 1 10 10.3126/iimrjbc.v1i1.67087 College level Challenges of E-learning in Bhojpur <p>Education system is being upgraded day by day with advance technologies that are from traditional learning to modern E-learning. This article is relevant for learners as it is providing flexibility in learning with optional choices for study to the learners with unlimited access of information.</p> <p>E-learning is the effective tool of teaching and learning process and different schools and universities of Nepal are broadly adopting this E-learning strategy and offering for distance education nowadays. Supporting higher education with modern technologies like E-Learning is very important for a country to improve quality of education, to meet student’s expectations and to continue teaching-learning and training when face to face education is less possible. The main objective of this research is to find out the college level challenges of E-learning in Bhojpur and to show the change of learning process from the traditional learning to E-learning in Bhojpur. This paper is qualitative in nature. The paper has been written in descriptive way. Both primary and secondary sources are used to carry out it. The question-answer method is used to get primary information from the respondents. The researcher has used open ended questions as a tool and asked to the respondents respectively. From this study, we found the college level challenges of E-learning in Bhojpur. The challenges mentioned are lack of ICT infrastructure and facilities, lack of social interaction among students and educators, lack of budget and fund, less focused on online learning, Unwillingness of the learners, poor internet connection, motivation issues, assessment and evaluation process.</p> Indra Raj Raut Copyright (c) 2023 Intellectual Inception: A Multidisciplinary Research Journal of Bhojpur Campus 2023-07-01 2023-07-01 1 1 11 26 10.3126/iimrjbc.v1i1.67088 Redefining Kirant Rai Folk Narratives: Politics of Gender and Self-Identity <p>This paper examines how Kirant Rai folk narratives influence gendered representation, self-identity, and socio-political dynamics within the community. Particularly, it centers on four significant folk narratives: <em>Hechchhakuppa</em>, <em>Yala Hang</em> <em>and</em> <em>Sakelung</em>, <em>Sawanam</em>, and <em>Sumdima</em> <em>and Paruhang</em>, which I collected through extensive interviews conducted with knowledgeable elders, Mangpa, and elder community members. To analyze these narratives and uncover their thematic implications, the study employs Alan Dundes' functional theory and incorporates the political ideas of Ranciere. The primary data for this research consists of narrative texts supplemented by secondary data sourced from libraries and online resources. This study reveals that these folk narratives have played a pivotal role in shaping gendered representation, self-identity, and the individually valued roles that contribute to the socio-political dynamics prevalent in the community since the narratives' inception. By uncovering these findings, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of the cultural significance and social dynamics of the people. It highlights the transformative power of these folk narratives and their influence on various aspects of the community's social fabric by broadening knowledge and appreciation of the Kirant Rai cultural heritage while, at the same time shedding light on the intricate interplay between narratives, gender roles, self-perception, and sociopolitical dynamics. &nbsp;</p> Prakash Rai Copyright (c) 2023 Intellectual Inception: A Multidisciplinary Research Journal of Bhojpur Campus 2023-07-01 2023-07-01 1 1 27 42 10.3126/iimrjbc.v1i1.67089 Spirituality: A forgotten Aspect of Yoga in Modern Time <p>This paper explores the place of spirituality in yoga from Vedic period to the present. Linking to its Vedic origin, an attempt is made to show spirituality as the key aspect of yoga that has nearly been forgotten in modern days. Its basic philosophy is to control our ever-fleeting mind dissociating it from materiality. Beginning from physical activities, it moves to mental ones and ends in spirituality that is the realization of the essence. The objective of this paper is to show how spirituality, the most essential aspect of yoga, has been forgotten in modern time. Referencing from different ancient scriptures and associating with different religions, this paper points out that spirituality is the essence of yoga practice and this aspect is dimmed and limited to physical activities at present. It is commoditized and detached from its spiritual association. Such activities have destroyed the originality of yoga. Following qualitative research design, this paper uses critical, analytical and interpretative methods for interpreting textual data to justify the claim. Critiquing the present trend of detaching yoga from spirituality, I argue for the continuity of yoga with its philosophical base. Otherwise, yoga will turn into just a form of physical exercise for physical fitness.</p> Prakash Sharma Copyright (c) 2023 Intellectual Inception: A Multidisciplinary Research Journal of Bhojpur Campus 2023-07-01 2023-07-01 1 1 43 52 10.3126/iimrjbc.v1i1.67090 Buddhism: Analytical Explanation of Hell, Heaven, Reincarnation and Its Relevancy at Present Context <p>This study entitled "Analytical Explanation of Hell, Heaven, Reincarnation and its Relevancy at Present Context" is based on primary and secondary data and the structured questions have been used to collect Primary data in Bhojpur Municipality- 9, Bhojpur. The main objectives of the study are to find out the real meaning of Hell, Heaven, Reincarnation, to find out the problems and its solutions. Primary and secondary sources have been adopted to achieve the objectives and to draw the conclusion. The study concludes that Hell and Heaven depends on our own karma (action). Desires is the cause of suffering, pain, unhappiness, violence, exploitation, diseases. Happiness is not obtained from matters. Happiness obtained from the matters is transitory and human as well as other creatures change their forms after death. It means nothing is stable or everything changes its forms.</p> Rinju Sherpa Copyright (c) 2023 Intellectual Inception: A Multidisciplinary Research Journal of Bhojpur Campus 2023-07-01 2023-07-01 1 1 53 63 10.3126/iimrjbc.v1i1.67091 Socio-economic Condition of Guhele Chhopnarayan Community Forest on Rural Livelihood of Bhojpur Municipality-3, Gupteshwor, Dawan <p>This paper examines the relationship of community forest with livelihood of rural people. Basically, social, economic and management aspects of the community forest have been discussed in this study. This article is based on primary and secondary data and it follows descriptive research design and quantitative approach. There is two-way relationship between community forest and livelihood of rural people that has been sustained for long time. Rural people apply different techniques to grow forest products and they also use forest products for the fulfillment of their needs. The user groups of this forest have been taken some direct advantages from forest products and also benefitted socially and economically through various forest management activities. Rural people mainly depend on the community forest for firewood, animal fodders and timber products that supports their livelihood. This article focuses on how the well management of community forest is taking place according to the national policy.</p> Saran Kumar Rai Copyright (c) 2023 Intellectual Inception: A Multidisciplinary Research Journal of Bhojpur Campus 2023-07-01 2023-07-01 1 1 65 82 10.3126/iimrjbc.v1i1.67092 Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance in Nepalese Commercial Banks <p>In this study, the effect of corporate social responsibility on total assets, proxy of financial performance with a mediating variable number of employees in Nepalese commercial banks, has been examined to fulfill the objective of identifying the size, trend and status of corporate social responsibility and analyzing the effect of CSR with a mediating variable number of employees on total assets. An aggregate level of CSR with a mediating variable number of employees have been applied as the independent variable and total assets have undertaken as the dependent variable in the research framework. Panel data sets from seventeen Nepalese commercial banks for ten years have been observed and tested using correlation coefficients and regression models under the approach of descriptive and analytical research design, to determine the effect of CSR with a mediating variable number of employees of the organization on the total assets. The findings postulate that the increasing trend of CSR expenditure made by the banks and total assets have a significant positive relationship. From the analysis, it has concluded that there is a positive relationship between the variables and the impact of CSR on total assets, symbolizes increasing in CSR leads to an increase in the financial performance of the organization. Furthermore, it raises the public image of the firm and attracts more investors which creates sustainable growth over the competition. This study demands the implication of CSR practices for all the business organization even if not mandatory from the concerned department.</p> Top Lal Panthi Copyright (c) 2023 Intellectual Inception: A Multidisciplinary Research Journal of Bhojpur Campus 2023-07-01 2023-07-01 1 1 83 97 10.3126/iimrjbc.v1i1.67093 पिँजराको प्यासा मैना कवितामा निहितार्थ {Implications in the poem Pinjarako Pyasa of the cage} <p>यो लेख पिँजराको प्यासा मैना कवितामा निहितार्थ विश्लेषणसँग सम्बन्धित छ भने &nbsp;यसमा सोही विषयलाई मुख्य समस्या चयन गरी प्रतिकात्मकता, सांसारिकता, क्रियाकलाप, &nbsp;सामाजिक, सांस्कृतिक, सम्बन्धगत र उपादेयता निर्मितिजस्ता शोध्यसमस्या निर्धारित छन् । &nbsp;गुणात्मक अनुसन्धानविधि र पाठविश्लेषणकेन्द्री ढाँचामा तयार गरिएको यस लेखमा विश्लेषणको &nbsp;सिद्धान्त निहितार्थ हो । निहितार्थ सङ्कथनमा रहेका सबै क्षेत्रसम्बद्ध रचनाको विश्लेषण गर्ने संरचनावादी भाषापरक अध्ययन पद्धति हो । पाठनिर्मापक एकाइका रूपमा भाषाले निर्माण गर्ने सन्दर्भका विविधस्वरूप तथा तिनको पारस्परिक अन्वयबाट प्रतिपादन हुने केन्द्रीय अर्थ नै निहितार्थ हो भने मुक्तकाकार पिँजराको प्यासा मैना कविता निहितार्थका कोणबाट अध्ययनीय सामग्री हो । सटीक र सारपूर्ण प्रतीक प्रयोग तथा त्यसकै अन्तर्यमा निर्माण भएको सांसारिकता र क्रियाकलाप कविताको केन्द्रीय अर्थनिर्मापक आधार बनेका छन् । नेपाली समाजको तत्कालीन सामाजिक र सांस्कृतिक निर्मितिको अभिव्यञ्जना रहेको यस कवितामा शब्दले निर्माण गर्ने सन्दर्भको पारस्परिक अन्वय संसक्ति र संयुक्तिगत रूपमा सशक्त रहेको छ । मानव बन्धकको उत्कर्ष रहेको समाज र सामाजिक व्यवहारबाट पार्थक्य लिई निर्वेदको अभिलाषा अभिव्यञ्जित&nbsp;यस कवितामा नेपाली समाजको वस्तुता प्रस्तुत गर्नु उपादेयता निर्मिति रहेको विषयमा विमर्श भएको छ ।</p> अनिल Anil अधिकारी Adhikari Copyright (c) 2023 2023-07-01 2023-07-01 1 1 99 112 10.3126/iimrjbc.v1i1.67143 गौँथलीको चिरिबिरी कवितामा अलङ्कारविधान {Ornamentation in Gauthali's Chiribiri Poem} <p>यस लेखमा गौँथलीको चिरिबिरी कवितामा अलङ्कारविधान मुख्य समस्या निर्माण गरी यसको निरूपण कवितामा विद्यमान रूपक, उपमा, दृष्टान्त र तुल्ययोगिता अलङ्कारको विवेचनाका आधारमा भएको छ । यो लेख गुणात्मक अनुसन्धानमा आधारित छ । लेखनाथ पौड्यालद्वारा रचित गौँथलीको चिरिबिर शीर्षकको कविताको विश्लेषण हुने भएकाले पाठ्य विश्लेषणमा आधारित अनुसन्धान हो । अलङ्कार संस्कृत काव्य शास्त्रीय मुख्य सिद्धान्त मध्येको एक हो भने यो कृतिको बाह्य सौन्दर्यसँग सम्बन्धित सिद्धान्त हो । शब्दालङ्कार र अर्थालङ्कार जस्ता भेदमा कृतिको विश्लेषण गर्न सकिने आधार यस सिद्धान्तले निर्माण गरेको छ । यस लेखमा उक्त कविताको अर्थालङ्कारको विवेचना भएको छ । यस कवितामा कविताको शैलीपक्षीय तत्त्वका रूपमा रूपक अलङ्कार प्रमुख रहेको छ । कविताको अध्ययन गर्दा नाटकको आभाष हुने कथन शैलीभित्र उपमान र उपमेयको सादृश्य धर्म स्थापित भएको यस कवितामा रूपक अलङ्कारको सहयोगीका रूपमा उपमा, दृष्टान्त र तुल्ययोगिता अलङ्कार प्रयोग भएको विषयमा विमर्श भएको छ ।</p> बेनुबहादुर Benubahadur कार्की Karki Copyright (c) 2023 2023-07-01 2023-07-01 1 1 113 124 10.3126/iimrjbc.v1i1.67150 घुम्ने मेचमाथि अन्धो मान्छे कवितामा व्याकरणिक संसक्ति {Grammatical Syntax in the Poem the 'Ghumne Mech mathi Andho Manchhe'} <p>प्रस्तुत लेखमा कवि भूपि शेरचनद्वारा लिखित घुम्ने मेचमाथि अन्धो मान्छे कविताको व्याकरणिक संसक्ति व्यवस्थाको अध्ययन गरिएको छ । यस अध्ययनको पूर्णताका लागि संकथन अध्ययनभित्रको संसक्ति व्यवस्था अन्तगर्तको व्याकरणिक संसक्तिलाई सैद्धान्तिक पर्याधारका रूपमा प्रयोग गरिएको छ । यस अध्ययनसँग सम्बन्धित मूल समस्या र शोध्य प्रश्न निरुपणका लागि गुणात्मक तथा सङ्ख्यात्मक अनुसन्धान पद्धति तथा विश्लेषणात्मक विधिको प्रयोग गरिएको छ । यस अध्ययनमा तत्कालीन नेपाली सामन्तवादी बन्द समाजमा समयको गतिशीलतासँगै गतिशील हुन नसकेका आम नेपाली जनताको प्रतिनिधिमूलक चरित्र समाख्याता (म) पात्रको अस्तित्वहीन, निरीह, निस्तेज, निराशावादी, प्राणहीन, चिन्तनलाई कवितामा प्रयुक्त पदपदावलीको उचित संयोजनले कसरी सुसंबद्ध र सङ्गठित पाठको निर्माण भएको छ भन्ने पक्षलाई व्याकरणिक संसक्तिका निर्मितिका आधारमा विश्लेषण गरिएको छ । व्यङ्ग्यात्मक पुट भरिएको यस कवितामा तत्कालीन समयमा जनता कतिसम्म निरीह भएर बाँच्न विवश थिए भन्ने सन्दर्भलाई पाठभित्र आएका निदर्शन, प्रतिस्थापन, लोप, सावर्न ामीकरण र सम्योजन जस्ताव्याकरणिक संसक्तिले कसरी पाठको अर्थलाई एकान्वित र सुसंबद्ध तुल्याई सङ्गठित पाठ निर्माण गरेका छन् भन्ने सन्दर्भको विश्लेषण गरिएको छ । शीर्षकबाटै स्थूल संयुक्ति अभिव्यक्त गरिएको यस कवितामा अन्तर्निहित भाव, परिवेश र सन्दर्भलाई व्याकरणिक संसतिmले कसरी संसक्त तुल्याई कविताको आदिदेखि अन्त्यसम्मको भावगत एकत्वलाई प्रवाह गरेका छन् भन्ने कुरा अध्ययन गरिएको छ र कवितालाई भावको श्रृङ्खलाबद्ध सूचना प्रवाहको संसक्तताबाट व्यवस्थित, सङ्गठित, सुसम्बद्ध पाठका रुपमा रहेको निष्कर्ष निकालिएको छ ।</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> माया Maya घिमिरे Ghimire Copyright (c) 2023 2023-07-01 2023-07-01 1 1 125 140 10.3126/iimrjbc.v1i1.67153 शरणार्थी उपन्यासमा विधामिश्रण {Genremix in the Refugee Novel} <p>प्रस्तुत लेख शरणार्थी उपन्यासमा विधामिश्रण मुख्य समस्याका केन्द्रित छ भने यही विषयको समाधानका लागि शरणार्थी उपन्यासमा केकस्तो विधामिश्रण पाइन्छ एवम्विधामिश्रणको प्रयोजन सम्बद्ध शोध्यप्रश्न निर्माण भएका छन् । गुणात्मक अनुसन्धान विधिमा तयार गरिने यस लेखका सामग्रीको स्रोत पुस्तकालय हो भने यो विश्लेषणात्मक विधि उपयोग भएको लेख हो । सामग्री विश्लेषणका लागि ज्याक डेरिडाको विनिर्माण तथा त्यसले स्थापित गरेको विधामिश्रणसँग सम्बन्धित अवधारणा सैद्धान्तिक पक्ष हो । विधामिश्रण संरचनावादी दर्शनले स्थापित मान्यता भन्दा पृथक् रचनालाई भञ्जन गरी पुर्नसंयोजन गरी पाठकको पठन गर्ने पाठपरक सिद्धान्त हो । संरचनावादले स्थापना गरेको भाषा र त्यसमा निहित सन्दर्भको केन्द्रीय अर्थ नै पाठको मुख्य भाव हुने तथा यो केन्द्रीय अर्थको अभिप्राय प्रत्येक भाषिक एकाइसम्म वितरित भएर रहने विषयको विपर्ययमा अर्थ निश्चित र निर्धारित नहुनु नै भाष्यको विशेषता हो भन्ने विनिर्माणिक अवधारणा नै विधामिश्रणको मुख्य सैद्धान्तिक आधार हो । संरचनावादको विधागत अन्तर्सम्बन्ध र सहकारिताको सिद्धान्तलाई उल्टाई एउटा कृतिमा आएका हरेक विधागत विशेषताको अभिव्यक्ति फरक पाठ हो भन्ने मान्यता शरणार्थी उपन्यासले अवलम्बन गरेको छ । यस उपन्यासमा समाख्याताले पूर्वकृतिका विषयमा समीक्षाका साथै त्यसप्रतिको स्वतन्त्र दृष्टिकोण प्रस्तुत गर्ने सन्दर्भमा आख्यानमा निबन्ध र समालोचनाको विधामिश्रण भएको छ । औपन्यासिक कथ्यसँग सरोकार नराखी स्वच्छन्द गायन वा अभिव्यक्तिको प्रस्तुतिका साक्ष्यका आधारमा आख्यानमा कविताको विधामिश्रण भएको पर्याप्त प्रमाण पाईने यस कृतिमा नाटकका अभिनेयात्मकता, संवाद, उपन्यासमा द्वन्द्व, आकस्मिकता तथा कतिपय सन्दर्भमा रञ्गमङ्च विधानको पनि उपस्थिति हुँदा ती स्थानमा नाटकको विधामिश्रण भएको विषयमा विमर्श भएको छ ।</p> रेखा Rekha रेग्मी Regmi Copyright (c) 2023 2023-07-01 2023-07-01 1 1 141 155 10.3126/iimrjbc.v1i1.67156