Prevalence of Covid-19 and Associated Co-Morbidities at a Tertiary Hospital in Eastern Nepal


  • Randhir Kumar Singh Birat Medical College and Teaching Hospital
  • Bijoy Lakshmi Dewasy Singh Birat Medical College and Teaching Hospital
  • Ram Kumar Mehta Birat Medical College and Teaching Hospital
  • Santosh Kumar Deo Birat Medical College and Teaching Hospital



COVID-19, Comorbidities, RT-PCR


Introduction: COVID-19 (coronavirus disease) manifests as asymptomatic, mild, or severe pneumonia-like symptoms. COVID-19 patients with diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cardiovascular disease (CVD), hypertension, malignancies, HIV, and other comorbidities could develop a life-threatening condition.

Objectives: To identify the various comorbid illnesses in COVID-19-positive patients along with its baseline characteristics in a tertiary hospital in eastern Nepal.

Methodology: A one-month observational study carried out in RT-PCR positive COVID-19 patients in Birat Medical College and Hospital (BMCTH) Molecular Laboratory from June to July 2021. All the data was entered in a pre-structured proforma. The data was then further entered and analyzed by using Microsoft Excel 2014.

Result: There were 354 (22.77%) RT-PCR positive COVID-19 cases and 1200 (77.22%) RT-PCR negative COVID-19 cases. More than half of the COVID-19 positive patients were males 211(59.60%). The most common symptoms were fever (92.3%), cough (83.5%) and tiredness (81.23%). Psycho-social stress such as anxiety, depression and insomnia 123 (34.74%) were common comorbidities followed by diabetes 91(25.70%) and hypertension 72(20.33%).

Conclusion: COVID-19 patients were mostly between the 20-30 years of age group. Fever, cough, and throat pain were the commonest presenting symptoms. 


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Author Biographies

Randhir Kumar Singh, Birat Medical College and Teaching Hospital

Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology

Bijoy Lakshmi Dewasy Singh, Birat Medical College and Teaching Hospital

Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology

Ram Kumar Mehta, Birat Medical College and Teaching Hospital

Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine

Santosh Kumar Deo, Birat Medical College and Teaching Hospital

Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology




How to Cite

Singh, R. K., Singh, B. L. D., Mehta, R. K., & Deo, S. K. (2023). Prevalence of Covid-19 and Associated Co-Morbidities at a Tertiary Hospital in Eastern Nepal. Birat Journal of Health Sciences, 8(2), 2003–2008.



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